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Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:28 am
by pheonixstorm
When my poor kids (5 & 2) see far worse on the 6 o'clock news I find nothing in this game offensive.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:53 pm
by travists
klauss wrote:I would agree generally, especially about the weirdness of worrying about sexually implicit imagery when it's already all around us even in public ads and when violence would seem a lot more worrisome to me, but it's not my (or our) position to agree or disagree. If supporting their wishes is as easy as unlisting some controversial content, I don't see a reason not to give them such an option. I wouldn't use it myself on my children (if I had them), I prefer to rely on education to make them judge by themselves what is appropriate and what is not, but I recognize it's not everybody's choice to do so.
Certainly add the blocks, however, what constitutes "controversial" is hard to define and something of a slippery slope. I'm mostly amused at the "blowing people up is OK, but not scantly clad women" idea. As to "I'll just write my own"... Wow, I tried to do one without 3D and it was still quite the task!

TBeholder wrote:
travists wrote: Politics: from the Greek word for a city/state polis, and tic a blood sucking disease ridden parasite.
I'm pretty sure the first part was corrupted "poly" (many).
That too! :lol:

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:59 pm
by klauss
So... I need the list. I certainly cannot come up with a list because I don't see anything bad with our content. So, if any reader is interested, please open a feature request tracker, and list all content you want filtered.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:17 am
by eracc
The idea of "crude" is definitely a personal and/or cultural and/or religious one. As soon as my wife saw the "ad" for the Dangerous Frontier show in VS she was personally offended as a woman. Nothing "religious" or "cultural" was involved, she seriously dislikes exploitation of young women for the prurient interest of men. She flat out denied allowing our son to play the game based on that image. She really is my better half, so I went with her judgment on the matter. I think providing a way to build the game with replacement of content that we could probably all agree would be offensive to most moms is a good idea.

EDIT: BTW, neither she nor I watch television much. Especially not anything that is so-called "news" these days and have not since our children became cognizant. We spend much more time on the Internet following our varied interests than we ever do watching mindless TV shows. No, Internet porn is not one of our interests. It could disappear today and we would not miss it. ;)

EDIT2: I just realized this is a very old thread. Must be dead thread revival week. :D

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:05 am
by klauss
Well, deleting that add is insanely simple (just remove the line from the splash list (animations/load_screen.ani/load_screen.ani).

Mentioned till now are splash_holovid, splash_pacifier (this case just seem overly squeamish, but hey), and travel.

So, no reason not to play the game because of those ads. But, be warned, it is an inherently violent game. The kind of violence in my experience children don't relate to real violence - ie, like wiley coyote. But violent nonetheless.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:00 am
by eracc
The "violence" in VS is cartoonish ship explosions and not realistic with blood, gore and body parts flying about such as one finds in Quake, Unreal Tournament, etcetera. I can understand keeping one's child away from gruesome violence, but anyone who objects to those cool ship explosions in VS is just weird though. ;)

In any case, as my son is now almost 20 years old, he can make his own decisions about that to allow into his mind. As his parents, back when I first discovered VS, we were responsible for guiding him and controlling what went into his mind when he was younger. Young kids are not really capable of making good judgments about content and can easily fall into the GIGO trap. Controlling that is one of the roles of the parent. Even if the parent(s) reject that role, it still exists.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:21 am
by klauss
My position is, honestly, that you cannot hope to be there controlling everything in your son's life. You, as in parents, better use whatever opportunity you have to see what he's exposed to and teach him how to interpret it. In this way, the next time he encounters something similar and you're not there to censor, he will know what to do.

You as in abstract, not trying to tell people what to do. Just saying what I think people would be better off doing. So I guess I'm telling people what to do, but in a non-binding and polite way ;)

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:27 am
by eracc
klauss wrote:My position is, honestly, that you cannot hope to be there controlling everything in your son's life. You, as in parents, better use whatever opportunity you have to see what he's exposed to and teach him how to interpret it. In this way, the next time he encounters something similar and you're not there to censor, he will know what to do.

You as in abstract, not trying to tell people what to do. Just saying what I think people would be better off doing. So I guess I'm telling people what to do, but in a non-binding and polite way ;)
I understand the abstract ideology you posit. It sounds like me before I was mature and had children. :D However, since you claim you have no children (earlier in this thread) then I have to say, your entire idea of raising children is an abstract. :) What sounds okay before one has children does not always sound okay once one does have children and is responsible for turning those children into sober, responsible adults (hopefully.) Presuming one is mature and not stuck at an emotional 16 years old that is. ;) I had a lot of assumptions about child rearing when I was single that I had to toss out once I was married and had children. One learns pretty quickly that The Mom is The Boss when it comes to the young'uns (if one wants to have a happy marriage that is.) So, if The Mom says you do not expose "the babies" to something, you do not do that. Even if "the babies" are 16 years old and The Mom's Laws go against your preconceived notions about raising children.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:40 pm
by klauss
eracc wrote:I understand the abstract ideology you posit. It sounds like me before I was mature and had children. :D However, since you claim you have no children (earlier in this thread) then I have to say, your entire idea of raising children is an abstract. :)
Well, not that abstract. That's how I was raised, so I have that side of the experience.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:11 pm
by travists
eracc wrote:What sounds okay before one has children does not always sound okay once one does have children and is responsible for turning those children into sober, responsible adults (hopefully.)
Dr. Spock anyone? (One of the more famous child rearing authors in the US) My understanding is that after having and raising kids, then seeing how they turned out told everybody to forget everything he ever said!

However, if you have a problem with the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, viewing graphic violence, pornographic, or even suggestive images shielding them without explanation does little to prepare them for making their own decisions. Conversely, a lack of bounds is a disservice as well, as they have no guide posts of what is right and wrong when they grow up. I can say from experience (for various reasons I'm still living at home and mom has adopted my sister's boy) with some kids "Don't touch, it is sharp" ,or "No, it's hot" means nothing until they cut/burn themselves. Every child is an individual, so what works with one may not work with another. And every parent has a different view on what should be instilled, so what is "just fine" for one family may be utterly unacceptable for another. Neither am I aware of many parents that don't lament that kids don't come with instruction manuals.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:20 am
by pheonixstorm
I want to put this thread in the feature forum due to some content.. but there doesn't seem to be enough yet.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:07 am
by TBeholder
For the record, i agree with the subject: a lot of the content, including mentioned splashes, is very crude. It needs higher image quality!

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:44 am
by Gungnir
TBeholder wrote:For the record, i agree with the subject: a lot of the content, including mentioned splashes, is very crude. It needs higher image quality!

On topic, I would be for an option in setup that disables splashes and the like that could be considered objectionable. I personally probably wouldn't use it, as the stuff in VS is quite tame, but it would be a nice feature to have nonetheless.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:43 pm
by greenfreedom10
In the case of the 'holovid' splash especially, perhaps we could consider this in a more basic, objective way. What if I run a business out of my home and have a son who likes to play VegaStrike. So one day when a customer is visiting about business, my son loads up VegaStrike on the computer in the other room. The customer sees the splash and immediately assumes that my son is permitted to openly look up porn without restriction. This could have an effect on business relations, right? The same thing applies if visiting family sees the splash screen. So we can also consider this as a simple, logical decision based on social responsibility (if I am using those words correctly). This might be like if I find nothing objectionable that can be found on the internet, but of course that does not mean I can go around talking about what I look at or without clothing myself adequately. We live in a world of differing feelings on many issues, and surely we all find it helpful to limit how much we offend others.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:06 pm
by klauss
Cmon, greenfreedom... what if he likes to play Duke Nukem?

He simply shouldn't play in front of your customers. He shouldn't even BE in front of your customers.

And, in any case, is that splash any worse than pictures of a beach with bikini girls? Really...

Anyway, I agree, we need higher quality content in many places. Like backgrounds, there's a lot of JPEG artifacts in backgrounds, even though backgrounds aren't JPEG. I wish I had access to the original, uncompressed masters to re-encode them with higher quality. It's bugging me a helluva lot since those artifacts are amplified to building-size when used as space backgrounds, and detracts considerably from the immersiveness of the environment.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:30 pm
by pheonixstorm
porn? really? makes me think of a song there... living in an Amish paradise. If someone runs a business out of their home customers should have no contact with family unless said family is also an emplyee. the Grand Theft Auto series is more visually offensive and pornographic that VS ever could be.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:58 pm
by greenfreedom10
the Grand Theft Auto series is more visually offensive and pornographic that VS ever could be.
Yes, from what I have seen, I agree that VegaStrike is quite "clean" and non-offensive; this is why I think it might be good for the game if the 'holovid' splash was removed or modified, so that people who are offended by the splash do not judge the entire game by content used for the splash images.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:32 pm
by Skodyn
I just wanted to add my opinion, I'm over 50 yrs old and have 2 grown up children.

I in no way find any of the content in the game to be offensive in any way, I may as a Welshman think the sexy sheep to be slightly offensive, but only if you understand what it means (to a welshman at least). But I'm not offended, and would believe that the vast majority of people would not get the joke, I certainly don't think children would, at least not without asking someone what it meant. Certainly the female images and accompanying text are no worse than you find in the news or on TV programmes or advertising.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:38 am
by CaptJack92a
Wow guys... I have VS and already edited out the stuff a long time ago.

Anyway, I can't believe this whole thing turned into a big "Oh it's not that bad" or "there is worse, why is this so bad?" and "They should just be exposed by now anyway." The fact is, I started this topic back when I just wanted to know if someone had edited the pictures out before and if I could get a copy of that version. Now, I am in school as a computer graphics and multimedia professional. I have changed all necessary files and am all good.

But since this whole topic changed into what it is I'll say one final time. I hope that this properly responds to all of your questions and comments.
I am Christian, I know the standards I am held to and what my siblings are ready for and not. The content for which this topic is for is not appropriate for them and that's what I know, no matter how others may perceive my beliefs. So make fun of me, ridicule me, and tell me I'm wrong. But I know my side, and I know what I need to do.

Oh and... This thing is four years old... Who on earth dug it out to get it going again?

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:34 am
by pheonixstorm
you can blame sgtseeker for that one :lol: but, it did get the discussion rolling again about the subject and possibly adding something into the config setup for those few who do find those images offensive. Not sure if it will go past discussion but who knows. Glad to see you back around though. Have you tried the latest version?

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:45 pm
by klauss
It's easy enough to do to get implemented if I'm given a list in a feature request tracker, which hasn't happened yet aside from the splash. I did not intend to mock, only point out that since I'm not of the same opinion I'm not qualified to come up with the list myself. I need the tracker.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:06 pm
by travists

First and foremost, good for you for standing firm!
I was only confused by the imagery is worth uninstalling over, but the killing is ok. I was amused by your comment about writing your own game, but that was a "dude, do you know how much work that is?" While I concur that the stock imagery is relatively tame, I also have tried to make comment that the world's standards are not the best measure of appropriateness.

Don't feel alone either, the two splash screens that keep coming up in the discussion, I think "oh, come on" and try ignore them. I also refuse to trade in drugs, pornographic materials, and alcohol while being a simple merchant and running from fights when possible.

Finally, glad you are still about. Perhaps you can now be the person with the cleaned up version so we can make a more family friendly setting.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:20 pm
by CaptJack92a
pheonixstorm wrote:you can blame sgtseeker for that one :lol: but, it did get the discussion rolling again about the subject and possibly adding something into the config setup for those few who do find those images offensive. Not sure if it will go past discussion but who knows. Glad to see you back around though. Have you tried the latest version?
I just did actually. Still trying to manage with a badly offset joystick of mine making me roll continuously.

Anyway, since getting the new download i have had yet to sift through the imagery again as i usually do.

I do need to know however. Where does one sign up for a callsign for the public online server? And do my single player stats and ships and weapons transfer between single and multiplayer?

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:30 pm
by pheonixstorm
Anyway, since getting the new download i have had yet to sift through the imagery again as i usually do.
As far as I know the filenames have not changed so that should make it a little easier
I do need to know however. Where does one sign up for a callsign for the public online server? And do my single player stats and ships and weapons transfer between single and multiplayer?
No, they don't transfer. As far as signup... Last I heard Mets server was down and we don't have another to run off of. I'm working on getting us a real dedicated server (hence the ads) but it might take awhile. I still have to add a donation script to the forum for accepting paypal donations. I'm thinking as long as we can get about $50 or more a month coming in we can get a decent dedicated server up and running that will include hosting vegaserver instead of having to rely on other forum members.

*Edit* the paypal link on the main site page doesn't go to us and needs to be changed. Its still setup for ace123 and he hasn't been around in awhile and doesn't work on the project anymore.

Re: There's Crude content.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:11 pm
by CaptJack92a
Paypal donations are pretty easy to add, they give you a "copy/paste" script somewhere, I have seen mine, but haven't had need of it yet, so shouldn't be too hard to find.