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Factional insignia and logos

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:43 pm
by Ryder P. Moses
In the middle of texturing, I decided I'd rather be doing this right now.

So here's some maybe-decals for different factions, and potential texture themes for whenever content progresses to the point where any one faction has ships significantly different than any other.

ISO (figured they'd have switched from the old hammer and sickle a gajillion years in the future, given that the working class doesn't use hammers or sickles even now. But then, plasma cutters don't have the same appeal, and communists have never been ones for moving with the times).


Highborn and highborn phalangists (the shiny shiny angel needs some work still. I'm thinking a face, and a bit less shiny)


Forsaken (doesn't really show on this background. Oh well.)


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:12 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Wow! Nice!

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 9:34 pm
by Ryder P. Moses
Well, some of them are. The more I look at the shiny shiny angel, the more it's pissing me off. Ah, now I recall why I've been trying to avoid using photo bases. Were my tablet not so totally fucked, I'd give a shot at drawing it from scratch. On the other hand, the flaming sword came out much better than it had any right to, the 3D effect happened largely by accident halfway through.

Anyway. Figured the Mechanists would use... less graphical means to identify themselves. This was initially a lot more elaborate, with a big gear theme, but then I realized gears wouldn't carry the significance they do now in these post-Industrial Revolution days and steelies wouldn't be much into fancy designs.


For anyone who's got Photoshop, I've got a template of that so someone can go crank out as many serial code variations as they like. You'll need the Code 39 bar code font.

Figure the Unadorned I can skip, their name might as well at least be vaguely relevant to something. 'Sides, they're technophiles- they'll be using IFF handshakes to identify one another, and wouldn't much care about interacting with anyone else.

For the Confeds... maybe Zaydana's galaxy-spiral S? Maybe with some other crap around it like most bureaucracies' insignia have, but I'll leave all that up to him, it's his thang.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:02 am
by Halleck
I much prefer the ones with simple outlines over the elaborate "photo-base" ones.

The ISO, forsaken, and mechanist decals look like they can be stenciled onto a ship, which I like. Of course, it's far from impossible to paint a full-color logo onto a hull (which is often done today with modern aircraft) but I still prefer the simpler ones.

I particularily like the ISO decal because of how it suggests the hammer-and-sickle while not explicitly depicting farming implements. :D
It reminds me a bit of the current dollar sign, which I think was originally a "P" with an "S" superimposed over it (probably for Peso, Piastre, or Pound Sterling), which became the "$" that we all know today. Both symbols have been vastly simplified over time, but still retain the connotations originally assosciated with them.

For the confeds, I'm partial to the old logo st_jack drafted a while back (the simple version, not the colored one as much.)
Also, here is pincushionman's merchant guild logo design.

Note: Your logos should be added to Development:Logos & Signage#Faction logos & Signage at some point.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:17 am
by Ryder P. Moses
Yeah, I just figured the Highborn would be the types for really overblown fancy paintjobs with lots of pompous symbolism. Were my drawing skills good for much more than details I'd have gone all Sistine Chapel on the thing.

I really like the st_jack Confed logo. The one problem with it is that there's no ship that looks anything like that. It's really obviously supposed to be a spaceship, and a specific one. But that's is more a deficiency in the modelbase than one in the design. Thing's awesome.

Edit: Mechanist logo updated.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:46 am
by Halleck
I don't have much of an issue with the ship not being in-game. Perhaps its an old, out-of-comission model that has some nostalgic value?

I like the new mechanist logo better than the old one. It's more subtle- it might be a barcode, but it also resembles other things (a futuristic lock or a cybernetically enhanced eye come to mind.)

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:54 am
by Ryder P. Moses
Eh, it's still supposed to be a barcode, I just got rid of the numbers since they're an eyesore and patched it up a bit.

And what'd really be ideal for the Confed logo, I think, is not that it looked like a Confed ship so much as if it looked like every Confed ship, or at least a very common design style. Maybe an archaic one, yeah, but one that still is somehow relevant to the game universe.