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Shire class super cargo vessel

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:55 am
by rivalin
Concept model for a new class of ships in the Dragan line (obtuse reference ahoy). I was messing around with trying to convert a bfxm into an obj (is there a master version of the Clydesdale? Because I couldn't find it.) and came up with the idea of a big brother for the Clydesdale, as it had been mentioned before that an even bigger class of cargo vessel was needed. I think it has a nice solid quality to it, but anyway, should I just dump it or does it have some potential?


Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:52 pm
by Fendorin
it s very very nice ship

personnaly i think for a principale task force unit is like generic human dreadgnaught/invasion transport force??(mother ship) no
this ship look more military than cargo

if in the future we can improve the squadron IA
we could make organization for confed task force fleet (mixed faction)like that:
1 this ship (find name)
3 Clydesdale
1 archimede( for reserve/platform missile in protection of your big one)
2 or 1 watson ( or auxilliary transport)
3 destroyer
4 frigate
1 tesla
6 corvette
30 (fighter/bomber/interceptor) (15 per transport)
20 (drop ship)(25 per your ship)
5 scout
1 (communiction ship)
5 "civilian resuply ship"
2 military troop transport
2 (medical fregate)
2 (repair unit)

This task force for invasion of hostile system

but i don't know how to improve IA or write code for create organization/position fleet