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Multiplayer (MMORPG) server setup

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:46 pm
by Zephyris
Hello all,

I've been following Vega Strike for quite sometime now, but only had a few moments of free time lately (before I get on full blast with my thesis).

I am personally intrigued by MMORPGs, and given the fact that VS is a nice, open source and highly modable project, I decided to give it a try.

There are many thing I would like in VS (such as better graphics, especially with the space backgrounds, and a "dock" of some kind for planets), but I will not ask much since I'm unsure of how much development is moving on in VS (everybody has everyday priorites, so its only fair :) )

What I would like to ask though, is if somebody could explain, in a step by step manner please, how to configure and run VS in MMORPG "mode" (ie, not lan server).

Basically I need to know what table is required in MySQL (fields and columns, data types) please, and what else needs to be done to get both the account server and the "game" server running.

For now the server is running on a P4 Windows machine, but only till I get my new server running. The new server will also be running a flavour of windows most probably, since I have some projects that require Microsoft SQL, but I will have MySQL running as well. The specs of the new server are a dual core AMD, 8 Gig corsair DDR2 ram (maybe 32 Gig in the future) and 2x 60GB SATA2 solid state harddrives.

For now the current server I'll open up for public, but mainly for other friends in my country playing VS as well, since inside our country we get speeds of around 20Mps-50Mps, but external (outside the country) it falls to around 3Mps at best.

I have both the stable windows version and the svn windows version (with the hqtextures pack), and some changed music (unfortunately music is from EvE Online, from their website, so I can't "release" it).

Thanks again, hope I don't bore you much with my first post :P

Re: Multiplayer (MMORPG) server setup

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:16 pm
by Greekgifted
! Hope I'm not too late! :P
It's been a while since I did this so lets see if I remember...

To run a basic server in "MMO Mode" you don't have to use mysql. Once you copy "" to "" in the cgi-accountserver directory, you can change dbconfig to either file_dbconfig or mysql_dbconfig. To be honest, I have no clue how to use mysql, so I just did the the file database, and created a few accounts in a LAN network.

Check vegastrike.config in your .vegastrike directory, it has a few options related to getting it connected to the httpserver. I also found the readme in cgi-accountserver helpful.

Good Luck! It's pretty cool once you get it all set up :D

Re: Multiplayer (MMORPG) server setup

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:21 am
by Zephyris
Thanks for the reply.

I thought that to run VS in MMORPG mode you had to use the SQL server, whilst the file based accounts system was for LAN games only.

As in the other thread, I already solved the problem of the game trying to connect to by modifying an entry in my home DNS server.

I can connect and even play on my server...the only thing "wrong" is that both in SQL and Text file it is not saving users/progress, even if I specifically hit "save" in game.

I'll try to get a bit more into it, cause in the meantime besides working on my Cisco CCNA final semester and university final year thesis, I'm also half-way through in programming my own space sim MMORPG, using the Irrlicht graphics engine as a base hehe.

Thank again.

Re: Multiplayer (MMORPG) server setup

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:05 pm
by Greekgifted

Yeah everything in the cgi-accountserver directory is MMO related so file or mysql should work. And I don't think it was necessary to change anything in any DNS server. If you look in vegastrike.config in your .vegastrike folder, at the bottom there should be 2 sections, labeled "server" and the other "network". What you have to do is make sure the account_server_url variable gives the address of your httpserver.
These are the important settings:

Code: Select all

		<!-- Tell if the *SERVER* uses an account server (set to false for deathmatch) -->
			<var name="useaccountserver" value="true"/>
			<var name="account_server_url" value=""/>
			<var name="server_ip" value=""/>
			<var name="server_port" value="6777"/>
			<!-- Tells if the *CLIENT* uses an account server to find the server IP -->
			<var name="use_account_server" value="true"/>
I think its pretty obvious, IP of the server computer, both "use account server" settings need to be true. :P

If everything is good in your, that should be all you need to do, have fun! :D

Re: Multiplayer (MMORPG) server setup

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:24 am
by Zephyris

I found that section in the file after you told me, so yes, you are right in saying I didn't need to change the entries in my DNS server :P

I just need to figure out why nothing is being saved now, cause everything else is working perfect (and I did manage to recreate all SQL tables and fields manually by looking at the source code)

Re: Multiplayer (MMORPG) server setup

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:05 pm
by Mets
I've got everything setup, but for some reason when I run ./vegaserver it always says "not connected to account server" and it tells me that there are "no network interfaces found associated to your hostname." The account server, however, is up and running, and I can browse to it, add users, etc. Similarly, if I type in my IP in VS, it will log me onto my server - it's just doesn't see a user database. At first login, the game will attempt to let you create a user on my server. I followed this at the command prompt, and when it attempts to create the user, the account server returns "code 404, message The requested file /cgi-bin/ was not found."

I think the account server is functioning fine, but I'm not sure what could be preventing vegaaserver from seeing the account server, and not seeing the IP I gave it. I've unblocked TCP/UDP ports 6771-6779 and port 8080 as well.

n/m it's fixed, <var name="useaccountserver" value="true"/> was the culprit - I didn't see it all the way up there.

It still says it can't find my IP, but everything works, so...I'm not complaining :)