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Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:21 pm
by Anax
KleiZwei wrote:An idea for multiplay would be an escape jump, you would jump away to a random neighboring system, but when you get their your jump drive would be broken, leaving you disadvanteged if you jump into a new fight.
Hmmm...sounds like a star wars book i read years back...when luke forced a hyperjump whilst 'under the influence' (of an interdictor) and got stranded in the middle of nowhere. Of course some idle 'stranger' just HAPPENED to be passing through that middle of nowhere....


In anycase, if you we stuck in the middle of nowhere with no system in sight, no ships around, and no jump drive, what would you do? :P

(personally i'd be starting a new game)

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:46 pm
by pincushionman
Call AAA! :lol:


In Character, In Multiplayer

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:55 pm
by V4X3N Being Lazy
Anax wrote:In anycase, if you we stuck in the middle of nowhere with no system in sight, no ships around, and no jump drive, what would you do? :P
(personally i'd be starting a new game)
In game/in character? I'd whip open my panel for my tachyon-navcom, and call CPBA for a tow. (Confederate Privateers Backup Association.)
A contract would be put up on the roster of non-hostile privateers, and I'd get someone to tow me or fix me in place.
Heck, I'd expect that after particularly long or energetic dogfights, folks would be wanting an emergency service like that. Someone walking up with a gas-truck and refilling you in the middle of nowhere when you can't get to a station or jump somewhere to refill would be nice.
Oooo, I think I just came up with an idea that might solve a few single-player game problems, now didn't I?

As for how the LAN situation is so popular, there are a number of solutions to getting a LAN ready and working for gaming:
1) Borrow a work network.
2) Set up a network at a person's home using a couple thousand dollars worth of cheap computers.
3) Bring laptops!
4) Use a cybercafe or other public-rentable LAN.

I've done all four, but must admit I like 1 and 2 the best. :)
A lot of CSers hold tournaments at cybercafes though.
Vega Strike works well for this with its 5 second installation and easy configuration (for standard options - others you would have to write out a config file and copy it).

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 10:14 pm
by Shrike
pincushionman wrote:Call AAA! :lol:
And AA if he was under the influence!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 10:14 pm
by KleiZwei
I said destroy the jump drive... all the engines and weapons...
secondly there as far as know is no system in the thus far with no planets in it... secondly if you were to destroy the jump drive it should auto repair after about 5-10 minutes... just in case...

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 5:11 am
by Mr. Can
i don't like playing multiplayer games because im on a slow connection and every time i hit the fire button, my gun will fire .3 seconds later after i hit the trigger, and i always get killed by someone thats far away, which makes it compleatly unplayable for a dialup modem user like me.

i am not used to getting killed by another player in an mmopg environment that involves non-combat things to build up your char like trading.. its a strange reason why if I get killed by another player, i.... just blow my top off. one time i was being chased by another pker, he had a higher connection then me, mine took longer to get to another sector, and by the time I had got into the sector, he killed me in a middle of the jumping out of the sector sequence since he was campin the sector gate. so I was complaining on the boards how im a newbie and how i kept gettin killed by people in stronger ships than me. then they replied "its a free game, ur not paying a dime to get in to the game! if u payed, u could of gotten more respect u freeloader".. so what my final desicion was, that i decided to quit playing mmopgs.. that was long time ago.

so if theres going to be a massively multiplayer for vegastrike, i could come up with some very good gui(graphical user interface) ideas, but im not a good 2d artist.

freelancers multiplayer version lacked the multuplayer interface though it could hold more than 100 people.

as for dying in multiplayer, someone said that there is no respawning at stations allowed... so could it be a possible permenant death if the eject pod blow up or, make the eject pod to pretend to use autopilot to get back into the station you homed at quicker.


Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 8:58 am
by dandandaman
Klei wrote:secondly there as far as know is no system in the thus far with no planets in it...
well, maybe in *your* universe ;-)......I have run into a few of those in *my* universe and lets just say that you were aiming to refuel at this system and there is nothing in it, it kinda sucks.......(moral: always jump with at least enough fuel to make an emergency jump back)...


Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 10:42 am
by hellcatv
the old newdetroit.system used to be blank...
I by mistake had an XML comment that nailed the whole system (put in by an automated script)

so when you jumped there, there was NOTHING at had to suicide to start over lol

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 2:26 pm
by charlieg
Can and should Vegastrike be optionally MMOSTCG (massive mutiplayer online space trading and combat game) enabled? Yes, definitely yes.

Vendetta proves that this concept is workable.

Vegastrike, IMO, have more potential than Vendetta. Making MM would be making great strides towards realising that potential because it would attract a lot of players and, in part, developers due to it's open source nature.

I would go as far to say that the Vegastrike authors could even make a small buck out of it by having a community run server which players can pay for a 'guarranteed' connection, whereas freeloaders would get a 'probably works' connection based on how busy the servers are.

By making it MM the game becomes a lot more interesting. All of a sudden, the player is dealing with other, unpredictable players. It becomes a lot more competitive. The difficulty then comes in finding the balance between making the game fun and easy to get into, making it challenging to be very successful, making it difficult to horde money, and making it dynamic with missions etc.

To conquer things like 'newbie killing', have eg an honour system where killing people that do not fire on you first results in your honour decreasing, and those with low honour become labelled as pirates. Pirates should be shot at by some station defenses, and some stations should have some really strong defenses that would also protect their jump points. This would give areas that are safe for newbies, although most likely not very profitable trade routes.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 2:57 pm
by Anax
that in mind however, some people will come only primarily for dogfighting, and easy access to it (rather than having to hunt down official missions etc), so there should be a system set up to allow such people to do so without becoming 'dishonerable'. Perhaps a 'simulator' mode for all out, or arenas, or even areas/systems with no law authority (perhaps the honour could be bound to legal records - players automatically report being fired on to the nearest authorities). If there's no law in the area, go nuts :P

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 8:27 pm
by charlieg
That's what I mean, have some areas where NPCs strictly impose the law, and have areas that are not frequented by friendly NPCs and are much rougher... lawless even.