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Attack of the Thales

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:10 pm
by eracc
I had been traveling the jump points looking for a good in-system trade route to take on for a few weeks. I had finally found a decent route in the Stirling system between a Shmrn Commerce Center and Mining Base about 30,000 kilometers from the Commerce Center. An excellent route to some lonely Miners that is even better than a route to frigid Ice Planet denizens.

This base was hungry for PAI Wetware and AI Cores with the bit of food and entertainment thrown in for variety to fill up the cargo space on my refurbished, modified with a few "shady" upgrades, Pacifier. I was making yet another boring run for credits when I was suddenly hailed by the captain of a Pirate Thales saying something derogatory about my judgment and throwing in mention of my daughter for good measure. I think he was a wee bit upset with me. Actually, these guys HATE me. On my way to becoming a trader I had taken on the odd Bounty mission to take out Pirates and Luddites. You see, I have a serious dislike for the nefarious ways of Pirates and Luddites. So I killed a few dozen of each to help advance the cause of the civilization I have come to know and love. Now they ALL loathe me ... and the feeling is mutual.

Anyway, the dimwit decided to arrive on my 6 and do some serious hurt to me. Funny thing about pissed off Pirates, they seem to forget all the other folks that are not happy with their thieving ways. I started a turn for a torpedo run on this dink and lo and behold, by the time I got turned around the Thales exploded in a beautiful fireball. A few dozen Shmrn citizens and base patrol ships were surrounding the debris. I think the Shmrn have about as much like for these Pirates as I do. So, I missed yet another Pirate kill patch on my hull. But I am happy to know the Shmrn have my back here in Stirling.

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:51 pm
by TBeholder
The problem with shooting too much of pirates is that black market guys quickly get upset and start to annoy you. And if you don't, Pirates themselves will eventually think "is a pretty cool guy. eh kills Luddites and doesnt afraid of anything". :lol:
When they are aggressive, though, a pirate Thales can be useful, to get rid of annoying Uln or Dgn with tractors without upsetting any more decent folk - provided you're flying something that isn't a complete sitting duck. I mean, without turrets it still has CapshipDisruptor... but wields it with all the grace of an overturned turtle. :twisted:

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:05 am
by Sarin
I like Thales. They're so squishy...I blew up one in my Llama, and was eating em for breakfast with Dostoevsky...

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:20 pm
by klauss
Furthermore, they're very fun to watch once you upset them. With all their flaks and all.
Very fun.

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:19 pm
by Sarin
What's with their weaps anyway? Most of the time when attacking them my screen is red like I'm constantly getting hit, but no damage at all....

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:41 pm
by klauss
They have some guns with very high refire rate, but small individual damage.
With good enough shields/armor, you might not notice it immediately.

But they deal quite a big punch, and are great at shooting down missiles.

Though... the AI shouldn't fire them on you, only missiles.
I'll have to check if they're marked PD (as they should), and if the mark is having the right effect.

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:29 am
by TBeholder
Sarin wrote:What's with their weaps anyway? Most of the time when attacking them my screen is red like I'm constantly getting hit, but no damage at all....
Like with most capships. A great big bunch of turrets, but good mainly vs. missiles or interceptors. Thus, <B> <L> <space>, wait, repeat. :twisted:

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:42 pm
by klauss
TBeholder wrote:Like with most capships. A great big bunch of turrets, but good mainly vs. missiles or interceptors. Thus, <B> <L> <space>, wait, repeat. :twisted:
I don't even bother to snipe like that. I just throw a dozen or so dumbfires at it and it goes boom.

And it's cheap.

Re: Attack of the Thales

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:30 am
by Warlord
I am obviously over-spending on ammo, then. Adv torps are my preferred long-distance hammer, used on anything that out-masses me by 2 to 1 or more. Dumbfires would be less expensive, but the torps are a sure-fire way to get peoples attention!