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Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:52 pm
by darkone
Hey Everyone

Just trying to find some up to date info on this project. I tried looking here and the last real update was in 2006. Just was wondering if this was abandoned or still being worked on and if there was another webpage I can get info off of?

And if it is still being worked on and you need a file mirror just let me know and I will host it. Loved playing Armada and wouldn't mind seeing it again with a facelift. :)

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:57 pm
by loki1950
Me again :lol: Yes it is being worked on with a new lead he is in the process of getting it working with the latest version of the VS engine but a stuck a bit ATM :(

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:17 am
by legine
Yes I am on it. There is lot to do. My programmerskill is not good enough to bring you fast results, I am sorry. I wisahed I could talk like the others. I am not talking much because at this stage I fear I sound more like an idiot then someone that knows what he is doing. (Well Actually I do sound like an Idiot :P )

What are the major problems. The original Construction of piarmada capsuled the VS Programm and build build a piarmada programm around it. This aproach is however not very OS indipendent. I decided that major focus is on the port so piarmada is aviable to Windows, Mac and Linux users.

On low priority comes bug fixes of the current Version. However I not always have the time to look into piarmada. I am working as programmer to, and if you have looked on Code for 10 hours, I am sure you can understand that it is very difficult to look on alien code for another 2 hours. So i am just very slow.

At least I getting slowly forward.

My Roadmap for piarmada looks like the following:
- Haveing a menue
- Gountlet mode working without flaws.
- Campagne with
- Strategic map
- ability to move ships around
- enter a battle (which automatic configures a Gauntlet battle)
- Campagne mode added
- build Structures and ships
- introducing the economy system of piarmada again.
- save load Interface
- bugfixing, and playtesting
- Inital release / and dropping the 0.X versions.

After that we will see how good the project get along with Codeing / Artistary.
I would like to add some more stuff like options menu, configuration of Campagnes (like sides, settings: VS universe or Wing Commander universe), multiplayer, Story Elements / true Campagnes, tutorials.

I hope you see that I have a plan.

Ohh currently I work on a easy to handle Menu / Base management. VS already has something that is nice. However I think it is not good enough what I need. I will need days to programm all stuff I need. So I currently work on a simplyfied model based on the work from the privateer guys (I am still Impressed on that work.)
I write more if there is interest. But keep in mind: all said are plans, dreams until I really publish something. I hope that is soonish.

Have Fun!
Peter aka legine

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:09 pm
by darkone
Thanks for the update legine

Sounds like your doing pretty much a whole new build of PiArmada. Looking forward to your Alpha's and hey least you can program a bit unlike me :)

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:47 pm
by LennStar
Do you intend to make it possible to change language and ship data in an easy way? (Meaning editing of an .txt file or something like this)

I have no idea of the code, so just a statement (and perhaps one sentence on the why not) is enough ;)

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:55 am
by legine
I will keep that in mind. I think it is no Issue for normal text. For Sprites I might have to come up with some magic. The Language components during flight are out of scope for now, because they are to deep within the system for now.

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 8:45 pm
by darkone
Hi legine

Do you have any progress updates on Pi Armada?

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:56 am
by legine
Sorry nothing worth reporting.

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:11 am
by Whiterabbit
Hi, Just wondering whether Pi Armarda is still a working project? There's still a link on the main page but I cannot find much information on the project apart from what's in these forums.

Hi Legine, I do hope you haven't scrapped this project. I realize there doesn't seem much interest if you look at the number and date of the last post, but I do believe that most community members just don't think to post.

for example:

I started a free games project over on the giveawayoftheday forums two years ago. I posted games every day (or the team that grew up around the project) and only stopped doing it daily earlier this year simply because i was dog tired of searching for, then writing a review, collecting or capturing screen shots and looking for videos for each game I found; all of which was very time consuming. The project is still going strong, though I and a few others only post games when we feel like it. Unfortunately hardly any one bothers to post to let me know that they download any of the games i post, which ican be rather disheartening because it makes me fell that no one is interested; however I do know that when I post links to some of these games there is always a significant increase in the number of downloads; people just can't be bothered to post their thoughs on the matter, which i believe ends up destroying such projects becasue the people who bother to put so much effort in like yourself get disheartened. Well don't do, i'm sure there are many people out there that look forwards to your modification, and when it's all done and dusted i'm sure it will have been worth it.

The quality of the Vega project is amazing for an open source/freeware game and i'm sure that your mod will be brilliant when it's released. I look forwards to seeing the end results of your efforts. :)

Please do leave some feed back as to where you are with respect to finishing the project. Thank you

Regards a interested community member.



I am a retired lecturer and have loads of free time on my hands so would happily devote some of it to alpha or beta testing your mod. Just let me know here and i'll post my email (if i'm allowed to) or PM me with details and I'll start working on checking for bugs right away.

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:07 pm
by klauss
Well... you know... you can always pick up the project and continue developing it yourself (or any other interested party).

I never tried PiArmada, but AFAIK, it was mostly a lot of python scripting. It's usually not that hard to tinker with, and even if you can't code, you probably can improve the game in some other way.

The key is not being too greedy on your first contributions. Aiming too high is a sure path to stalling and disappointment. Starting small is a much better path.

Re: Is PiArmada still being worked on?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:02 am
by leginee
Hello there.

Yes I havent done anything in last year or so on this project.

And the stuff I have done is mostly playing with code and learn some stuff about 3D Programming.

There are different facts why i always stop working.
1) (and important.) I do not have any workenvoirement that I like. I realy dislike Eclipse as IDE. And I do not like any other IDE.
2) I didnt accept how the API worked. Which lead to nice looking code, but it didnt work. I wrote 2, I think, python classes that should handle the screenbuilding. But they never worked right. With no Idea why, and lack of experience I am just frustrated.
3) I am embarressed to ask for help. I am usually the one that storms the Digit hills in my job. I mean the one who has to be stopped to be creative. It is difficult to me to just be "noob". Because Probably I have to ask a lot more then just a bit here and there.
4) I am not an Artist. And I lack the ability to do anything Frontend. I know it is just experience, but I realy lack this.

There are some none Project related things too taht stopped me, but they come and go. Like everyone on this project has them. (Family, Friends, and other interests). I am still like to get pi Armada flying. Currently Interest is returning. I have some Ideas How to fix my issues and start with another try.

But in the end, I dont want to set anyones expectations beyond that what exists now.


P.S.: I am sorry I lost my login, and dono how to retrieve it. :P And didnt want to make another account. Well now I opened another account and we will see what will happen.