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Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:38 pm
by Dilloh
1) No idea (yet) - will dig for it
2) weaponslib usually shouldn't affect new ships. Simply make sure that the ship is listed in units.csv properly (to make sure that it acutally works hack yourself one in the safegame). Buyable items and ships are listed within master_part_list.csv, here you should make sure that all ships are listed before turrets start.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:00 pm
by esgaroth
In the weapons lib, you have the following part
Base.Link (room0, 'my_link_id', -0.975, 0.26, 0.4375, 0.353333, 'Ship_Dealer', room1)
Base.Python (room1, 'my_comp_id', -0.9925, -0.263333, 0.8875, 0.56, 'Buy Centurion', '#\nimport weapons_lib\nweapons_lib.ShipPurchase(\'centurion\')\n',True)
Base.Python (room1, 'my_comp_id', -0.6825, -0.973333, 0.77, 0.516667, 'Buy Orion', '#\nimport weapons_lib\nweapons_lib.ShipPurchase(\'orion\')\n',True)
Base.Python (room1, 'my_comp_id', 0.2925, -0.96, 0.68, 0.733333, 'Buy Galaxy', '#\nimport weapons_lib\nweapons_lib.ShipPurchase(\'galaxy\')\n',True)
Base.Link (room1, 'my_to_sd_concourse_id', -0.27, 0.466667, 0.1725, 0.293333, 'Return_To_Concourse',concourse)
Base.Link (room1, 'my_to_upgrade_concourse_id', 0.415, 0.0533333, 0.3175, 0.24, 'Return_To_Concourse',concourse)
Base.Link (room1, 'my_link_id', -0.0175, 0.336667, 0.66, 0.45, 'Upgrade_Ship', room0)
return room1
which governs the purchase of new ships and innediately sells the one you have. Changing e.g. orion to akira didnt work- but your tip with the master part file was correct. Changing plus adding the ship in the master part file (and not just the akira but the akira.blank) solved the problem.
Thanx !

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:06 am
by Dilloh
Ah okay - weapons lib affects the showroom you enter before you actually reach the shipdealer. It is a seperate room selling the "stock" PR ships - you could create a new image if you like and put in the most common ships of the universe there, or simply get rid of this room.