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How to hack past Palan mission

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:11 pm
by Stomp357
How do you hack to either get better ships, or get past Palan missions. I finally got game to let me actually fight Demons, but now it won't allow me to finish. I have hired up to 5 wingman, and killed 10 Demons, but new wave of 6 Demons show up. This is not possible without a hack, or better ship. The Drayman is no where in my game. Not at New Detroit.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:04 pm
by z30
You need to get yourself a Demon with autotracked guns and missile mounts. The ship does become available after the Palan missions but too late to do any good obviously.

This can be done by editing the master_parts_list in your main Privateer directory. There are depracated ships there and I overwrote the one in the third row :

demon starships/Hunter/Light 125000 197 4000

You can use Excel to do this but be sure to save the result in csv format.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:07 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
IIRC you can hack you backwards in the campign, but it doesn't work in the other direction. Honestly I personally don't thinkpalan is that hard. Yet there are a lot of threads concerned with this topic. Just use the search function. In the Library (see my sig.) are also some links to those threads und "Undoable Missions".
IMO editing you ships file is a good way to cheat. Just go to any planet and buy some torpedos. Then edit your torpedo amount to -1. You will have unlimited torpedos which will sure do this mission. ;)


About the thing z30 said: Don't use excel! Better download OpenOffice (it's free, as the name says) and use its program (don't remeber the name). There is a huge chance that excel will spoil your savegame...