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Having trouble selling "damaged" components?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:22 pm
by wendigo
Hmm, I've been searching this one out for a few minutes, but no luck yet, so time to stick my neck out and just ask:

When I try to sell certain components at the upgrade shop, I see a warning that they're damaged and cannot be sold until repaired. Problem is, I buy the repairs and it makes no diff. I've even got a repair droid. They're just forever broken & unsellable, I guess.

Now, I can still buy upgrades, and the "highest" level component seems to be the one used... but I'm worried about losing upgrade space in general. This is version 1.2, FYI. Sorry if the gripe is redundant, would be happy to hear any advice. I know I can edit the savefile periodically to rebuild the ship, so I guess it's not all *that* big of a deal.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 4:20 am
by ijuin
Upgrade components are not repaired through the "basic repair" command. Instead, you must select the component in the right-hand column. For example, to repair your Armor, you must select the Armor heading, and then it will display your armor type underneath it. If the Armor is yellow/red, then it is damaged and must be repaired--you must select the Armor and then click "repair" at the bottom of the screen. Other upgrade components are repaired in a similar manner.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:28 pm
by wendigo
Oof. Duh. That was easy. Guess I should learn to search the manual before searching the message boards. :?