Setting up a server, contributing, and other stuff...

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Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
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Setting up a server, contributing, and other stuff...

Post by nixnerd »

Hello All,

Firstly, let me say *congratulations* to all the developers and contributors to the VegaStrike project, as it's shaping up very nicely :)

I'm particularly interested in the mutiplayer side of VegaStrike - as I'm involved with an online gaming clan, several of which are into Freelancer in quite a big way :)

I've also dabbled with creating some 3d models and artwork for a space sim - which is *open source* - you're welcome to have a look at what myself and my colleague, Spintz has managed to achieve so far at Feel free to help yourselves to anything useful you can find there, and post on our forum at:

*Anyway*, I'm very interested in hearing about whatever multiplayer advances have been made with VegaStrike, and would be most interested in a seeing a simpletons guide to installing and setting up a VegaStrike server for my pals to have a futz about on.

Although I'm not a Linux guru, I have been using computers and Linux for a goodly number of years and am no stranger to compiling the odd program under Linux.

I also have a 24/7 co-location Linux server standing by in the wings, all ready to be pressed into service.

All comments, criticisms, suggestions and help gratefully received :)
Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
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Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:11 pm

Forgive me...

Post by nixnerd »

Forgive me for the fact that I'm replying to my own post, but in my experience that must mean one - or many of the following:

I'm eiither asking a stupid question - which I really should be able to anwswer myself by consulting the documentation or...

I'm asking the right question - in the wrong place (i.e. the wrong forum) or...

People really are just *not interested* in replying, as my input is of little worth, or...

There's just not enough traffic in this forum to merit a valid response.

Please forgive me if that sounds a little harsh - it's not meant to be. :)
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Post by www2 »

move to Contributor Help & Internal How-Tos
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Post by dandandaman »

You'll have to wait a little bit before anyone who has done it comes around :-) As far as I know it's pretty much just in a testing state atm, so you prob won't get too much out of it though...

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
-- Pablo Picasso
Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
Just a tourist with a frag'd nav console
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:11 pm


Post by nixnerd »

Thank-you www2 and danandaman, I'll look forward to hearing something more once the multiplayer code base bcomes a little more mature - meanwhile thanks for your responses :)
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