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Adding a quest to a campaign

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:39 pm
by shadowmane20
I want to add a blockade to the campaign I'm writing. The issue is that blockade is a quest (modules/quests/, not a mission. Can I import a quest to use the commands in the quest, or would I have to write a mission to do what I'm wanting done? Don't missions and quests use the same python code? If you can do something in one, you should be able to do it in the other.

Re: Adding a quest to a campaign

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:22 pm
by TBeholder
A quest would need translation from constants to support for "from point A to point B, faction C vs faction D" that a mission needs, and perhaps rules for when the mission should appear.
But blockade thing is mostly NPC chat, it doesn't create objectives, etc.

Re: Adding a quest to a campaign

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:41 pm
by shadowmane20
Yeah, I noticed that. It does put some ships there to get by, but there is no challenge there. What I need is a mission where all of the jump points are blockaded until after an election is held in-system, and they are actively trying to keep you out. It would be in effect through about two, maybe three missions. But there are 5 jump points in the system, only one of which is not an enemy system.

I'm also looking at the file to see if I can come up with a civil war in-system after the elections. Basically, all hell's going to break loose because of the election results, and the reaction of the ruling class.