Designing weapons?

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Designing weapons?

Post by Guest »

I am using windows XP and my game is running great and i really am enjoying it, but i would like to be able to destroy capital ships with my goddard. I cannot open any of the config files, and when i do an online search to find what program I need to open the files, i get nothing. I'm sure the answer is somewhere in these forums, but I haven't had any luck. Could someone please tell me what program i need to design weapons and where to find it?

Post by Guest »

Also, when the game loads one of the advertisements says says, get the job, accept the job, get paid, or something along those lines. Well it shows a monthly bank statement, atm I have nearly 2billion creds, but i have yet to see a statement of that type. Also in the confed explore advertisement it mentions owning a planet, is that possible?
Posts: 1465
Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 12:01 pm
Location: Seattle, WA

Post by peteyg »

You can open up most any of the game files in notepad.exe. They're mostly in XML, which is pretty straighforward to edit.

You want to edit the file weapons_list.xml to modify weapons.

As for the stuff in the splash screens... the monthly statement is a dramatization. The stuff in the explore splash doesn't say anything about owning planets, it says something about getting a prospecting percentage fee or something. Which isn't actually in the game, either. It's just random flavor.

Post by Guest »

cool, thanks for the help, the aerans wont know what hit them!!! :twisted:
Insys Pilot
Insys Pilot
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Post by Mercer42 »

what about the XIA files, or config files? What were they created with?
Posts: 1465
Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2003 12:01 pm
Location: Seattle, WA

Post by peteyg »

I'm not sure what an XIA file is, but most all config and stat files in Vega Strike are plain text, and were created with simple text editors.
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