Bump/Normal-maps, shininess, shaders... A new art pipeline

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Bump/Normal-maps, shininess, shaders... A new art pipeline

Post by chuck_starchaser »

Heard a rumor there's a lot of people asking how to make bumpmaps and normalmaps, now that
they are supported via Hellcat's new shaders.

I'm going to expand on this and write a full wiki how-to. I can't do it yet because a) the wiki here seems borked;
I was trying to login precisely to start a page about this, but it doesn't seem to remember my login past the
welcome page. And b) because the shaders aren't finalized yet, and the changes that are coming affect the way
the textures need to be packed.
I'm working as fast as I can on the new default shader and nodulizer to go with it (more on it further down).

(Note to safemode:
I hope you did make the original textures easy to retrieve. The dU and dV channels of the normal map will be encoded
into the alpha channels of the diffuse and specular textures; then compressed with DXT5. It's the only sane
way to compress normal maps, as the rgb channels of DXTn have too poor a resolution for normalmaps. Also,
the alpha channel of the glow map will have the shininess, btw.)

However, you CAN start working on bumpmaps and normalmaps (and shininess maps) right now, if you want.
There will be off-line tools provided to convert texture packs from the current set, namely...
  • Diffuse texture
  • Specular texture
  • Glow texture
  • Damage texture, plus the new
  • Normal map
  • Shininess map (the current shader expecting it in the alpha channel of the specular texture)
...to the most likely new packing arrangement of:
  • Diffuse texture (plus normalmap dU in alpha)
  • Specular texture (plus normalmap dV in alpha)
  • Glow texture (plus shininess in alpha)
  • Damage texture (rgb-only)
In fact, there may be several such tools, for variations in types and
numbers of input textures. And I have a prototype of one such tool, the "nodulizer":


The nodulizer is really a Blender3D .blend file. You throw it into a folder where you want to convert a set of
textures, rename the textures to what the nodulizer expects, or else edit the input nodes for them (on the left), adjust
the scaling factor with that input node at the bottom left corner, and press the Use Nodes button in the menu bar below.
The scaling factor is there in case you have large (2k by 2k or 4k x 4k originals, and want to produce 1k outputs;
otherwise make the scaling factor 1.0. Needless to say, you need to have Blender installed, then you can just double-
-click on nodulizer.blend.

You can download the nodulizer beta here:
Just don't use it yet; the shader that uses this packing is still in the works; but you can play with it, see what it does.

There may also be a command line tool to do the same thing; not decided yet, but the advantage of
using Blender's "nodes" and "noodles" is that the tool can be easily customized, specialized, tweaked, expanded...
So, IF there may be a command line version, it will probably only be provided for a default repacking, for those who
can't use Blender due to their religion :D

But, getting back to basics, what's the difference between bump- and normalmaps?

Bump map

A bump map is a gray scale image where the brightness represents height above the surface, and darkness represents depth.
50% gray means at surface level.
The problem with bumpmaps is they take a lot of processing in the gpu (videocard) to be really good to use; and that they
are quintessentially non-mipmap-able. So normalmaps soon took over.


Normal maps encode simply the angle of the surface. At each point on the surface, if you think of a normal vector to it, how much it is
moved left to right from the straight UP position is called the dU. How much it is moved forwards or back from straight up is the dV.
And how high it is assuming length of one, after being tilted, is the z.
In a tangent space normal map, normals are specified relateive to the surface (as opposed to older normal maps where x y and z were
specified in global coords).
So, since, on average, a surface is flat, z is usually close to 1. z goes in the blue channel, so normal maps, when you open them in Gimp
look very blue. Red gets the dU, but transposed, as the dU could be positive or negative. 50% red means zero. Same with green and dV.
So where a surface is flat, the normal map color is red = 0.5, green = 0.5, blue = 1.0
And you produce them with xNormal, and/or with the Gimp plugin from nvidia. Google it. The plugin takes a grayscale bumpmap and
computes a normal map. xNormal takes a fine mesh and a coarse mesh, and makes a normal map that, when applied to the coarse
mesh, makes it appear like the fine mesh.
Dual Joe nowadays swears by denormgen; --says it's easier to use than xnormal, runs on Linux, and
can stack normalmaps. I haven't tried it yet.

What do they look like?



Normal map:


The above normal map is actually a combination of subtle normal corrections computed using xNormal,
from a 100k+ polygon mesh, and the result of making a normal map out of the bumpmap above using Gimp's
normal map plugin from Nvidia.
That plugin has a choice in the Conversion drop box, called "Normalize Only".
Very useful when you're blending normal maps, because normal maps get corrupted by blending ops, and you need to
renormalize them, afterwards.
Also, if you want to increase the strength of a normal map, you can dim down the blue channel in Gimp, then renormalize.

Shininess Map

"Shininess" is a bad name for a good to model, fundamental property of materials, which can make a glass cockpit look glossy,
and make metal look "shiny" without looking "glossy".
Here's shininess at work in my current beta shader:



Hard to appreciate with a still picture...
The metal does reflect the environment, but the reflections are so blurred you can barely notice them.
Don't confuse "shininess" with "specular color". Totally different animals.
Shininess describes how "UN-blurred" reflections are. A high shininess (200 or so) reflects images sharp and clear.
With a shininess of 100 you begin to notice blurriness. With a shininess of 20, the reflected environment is so blurred it
looks almost like half way between specularity or plain diffuse color.
Unlike specular color, shininess is a monchrome (gray scale) parameter.
For the ship in the shader screenshot above, this is what the specular texture looks like:


And this is what the shininess texture looks like:


Notice that specular color of the cockpit is pinkish or purplish. Yes, it looks green, but that's because there's a bit of
green light I put in the glow map, to make it look like someone lives there; but the specular reflections are
actually tinted purple. But anyhow, what I wanted to call your attention to is that the specular strength of the cockpit
is not much greater than that of the metal, and in fact it should be less, or rather, the metal should be brighter in specular.
But what makes the cockpit look "glossy" is the white color in the shininess map, versus grey for the metal.

Questions? Comments? I wrote this in a hurry, so I probably left out a lot of stuff...

Ah, yes, texture, texture1, texture2, .... in the bfxm.
Well, I'm not sure I know exactly how that goes, so I'll let someone who understands it explain it.

BTW, a new release of the vs engine may automatically initialize the ambient and specular color in
the system xml's (take them by averaging the color of their background textures), and this subject is not
complete without discussing radiosity baking and the glow map; but this is too experimental at the moment.
Suffice it to say that if I succeed, we'll never use gl ambient light, but will use the glow map to emulate ambient
illumination, with self-occlusion baked in, and modulated by the color and intensity of the background.

And I also left out the "detail textures". No need to complicate this post with it too much, though. Detail textures
are basically tiling textures, typically 256x256, that map multiple times over the same UV map as the regular
textures do, "adding detail" as you get closer to an object (ship or station).
There will be two:
  • Diffuse detail (color in rgb, detail normal map dU in alpha)
  • Spec detail (luma in red and blue, shininess in green, normal dV in alpha)
The above is tentative and subject to change.
The reason you don't need to worry about it is that there will be default detail textures that will apply generally
to all ships and stations and planets, unless you supply your own detail textures and specify them in the bfxm.
The default ones will simply be perlin noise, barely noticeable, just enough to hide pixelation artifacts; no more.
Posts: 8014
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:03 am
Location: Montreal

Post by chuck_starchaser »

My first post is incomplete and obsolete by now; check the wiki page instead, which I'll update when necessary:
http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/wiki/ ... oToShaders
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