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Working win32 mesher project on SVN

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:45 am
by pheonixstorm
Got a new working project on the current win32 solution (pheonixstorm branch atm). I've got it to compile and have posted under my branch. It needs testing to see if it works correctly (or as correctly as the win32 build ever has).

The project still needs to be tweaked on its output of files. The two project/solution files did not work so I had to start from scratch, there were several source files missing from both projects. Also gave the utility an icon and additional file information.

Re: Working win32 mesher project on SVN

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:44 am
by Deus Siddis
Tested it on XP and 7, seems to work as well as the old mesher. Tested diffuse, specular and normal texturing.

Levels of Detail are broken in VS as the wiki suggests. Could not get them to work with old or new mesher, and it's probably not a mesher issue anyway. We really need OGRE.

One mesher caveat other testers should know about (for all versions I've ever used, not just this one) is that nowhere in the path to mesher should there be any white space. And yet the game's default install location contains the directory names "Vega Strike" and "Program Files"-- both containing white space. :roll: So install or move the game to a better location and delete the space in the game's name before trying to use mesher. Also don't use white space in the names of any of the models or textures you are converting, use an underscore instead or (if you must) camel case.