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Firing turrets?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:18 pm
by w03
For some reason, none of the missile turrets (turretlauncher, kinetic missile turrets, etc.) can actually fire their missiles. I tried making dumbfire turrets to see if locking was the problem, but I can't shoot dumbfires either!

Edit: The turrets might be able to auto fire, as when I tried targeting something, some of the turrets had less than full ammo, but I still can't fire manually.

Re: Firing turrets?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:42 am
by athomic1
Did you ever get this straightened out?

I'm wondering if you need to use the secondary fire with the turret, like you do with the main ship. Did you try that and the primary both?

Re: Firing turrets?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:57 pm
by -REBEL3-
I've been noticing some problems with my missile turrets too, it looks like some of the turrets on my Leonidas might be malfunctioning. If, for example, I target a mining base with my turrets and tell them to fire, the only missile turrets that will fire are the capship-missile turrets. When I tried going in and firing manually, they seem to work, but I can't tell b/c of the crazy geometry of the 0.50 Leonidas.

Re: Firing turrets?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:54 pm
by w03
@athomic1: No, I never got it straightened out. I ended up making dumbfires that fit on gun mounts to put on my turrets.