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Why? Just why?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:14 pm
by Workaphobia
Why is it that the only affordable ship with decent maneuverability is the convolution? Anything else either has too few non-missile weapon slots, or costs well over my price range.

Why is it that the enemies seem to be getting harder and harder and I can't upgrade? I perpetually have 16/16 upgrade slots free, but no matter how many credits I get, important items such as shields and reactors appear in red with no explanation whatsoever. Meanwhile, the bounty missions want me to take out capital ships guarded by squadrons of defenders.

Why did I just spend four million credits on a powerful aera ship just to be blown apart by two llamas with basic lasers? If I had wanted this kind of mocking abuse from the game I wouldn't have hacked my save file for cash in a futile attempt to enjoy blowing something large for once. I should note that the reactor was powerful enough to support my afterburner and all my weapons without my capacitors taking a dent, but my shields were just plain puny by (aera milspec) default.

Why are my possibilities becoming more and more limitted as my game progresses? About the only thing left I have to look forward to is seeing first hand how difficult the Clysdale is to maneuver; aside from that, I have no reason left to play this game until it gets some serious updates.


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:38 pm
by charlieg
You'll be glad to know there's some heavy rebalancing (as well as a lot of bug fixes) in the development version (due in a couple of months). Hopefully your woes will be addressed by 0.5 when it's out.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:30 pm
by Wisq
I had a long post about this, but I guess I must've shut down last night before I posted it. Sigh. :)

Firstly, you say you have a milspec Aera ship that cost four million and has 16/16 upgrade slots free. That sounds to me like a milspec Areus (which may be called something else in 0.4.3). The reason you can't upgrade anything is because it's milspec. It already has a reactor, shields, capacitors, etc., and you can't upgrade them. That's how milspec works.

That being said, I'm surprised to hear you complain about the shields. I've got an Ariston ("Aelar" in 0.4.3) and I find it a dream to fly. Twenty autotracking weapon mounts, great acceleration, and the most amazing shields money can't buy in any store (as far as I know). Their capacity is standard, but their regeneration rate is extremely high. I was under the impression Aera ships were high on shields, low on hull strength.

Does the Areus support turrets? If a ship has turret capacity, it's generally because it needs them to properly deal with incoming light fighters. They're extra firepower in bigger battles, but make-or-break in battles with fighters that can run circles around you faster than you can circle in on them.

Turret AI isn't working right in some versions of the game, most notably the CVS version. That makes them somewhat useless for now, IMO...

Bottom line, though: If you feel things aren't fair, change them! You can edit your ship directly, not just your money. When I discovered I was suffering from a bug that prevented me buying a cloaking device for any of my ships -- even though I found one and had the credits and space, and was told they could be put in any ship -- I just deducted the cost and edited my ship to make it cloakable.

If you want to be fair but you feel the game isn't, then look up a really good shield generator you have space for, deduct the credits from your account and space from your upgrade volume, and up your shield strength. If you don't want to be fair, just set them to any value you want for no money or upgrade space. Sure, it's "cheating", but who are you cheating? It's not like the game will be mad at you, though some unlucky Llamas might. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:02 am
by Workaphobia
I think when I get a chance I'll try the CVS version. If it's unbalanced after that, I'll probably modify my stats to obtain a virtual god-mode. Not a very mature way of playing, I know, but it would be very good for my morale.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:02 am
by Wisq
What does it matter? It's a game; you're meant to have fun, not adhere to someone else's expectations. That's how it is for any game, let alone a game that states flat out that things are somewhat unbalanced and need work.

It's not like VS has a panel of judges that will disqualify you from downloading any future versions if you cheat or something. ;)

Of course, one of the aspects of fun is the challenge. If you've had too much challenge and not enough fun, then by all means, reduce the challenge. :) But you can always ramp it back up to your own level of play later on.