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Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:37 am
by Racecarlock
What is the best stock milspec ship acquirable through any means necessary?

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:31 pm
by MC707
Probably the Goddard. Or maybe the Clydesdale, but that depends on you.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:31 pm
by scouto2
I would recommend a goddard millispec if you are doing a lot of dogfighting.

A schroedinger is also good for getting around quick in enemy systems.

You could hack yours save game (and deduct about 100B credits) and buy a capital ship. Tesla, corvette, etc...
Not sure if there is a specific milispec model of a Tesla/corvette, as they are only used by the AI.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:39 pm
by MC707
scouto2 wrote:You could hack yours save game (and deduct about 100B credits) and buy a capital ship. Tesla, corvette, etc...
Not sure if there is a specific milispec model of a Tesla/corvette, as they are only used by the AI.
You can't buy those IIRC. You can actually hack the save file to have those, though.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:09 pm
by athomic1
scouto2 wrote:I would recommend a goddard millispec if you are doing a lot of dogfighting.

A schroedinger is also good for getting around quick in enemy systems.
A Goddard for dogfighting? Have you successfully done that??

I guess it depends on what you call dogfighting, but I consider it requiring a fair bit of maneuverability. The Goddard turns too slowly for that. I think it's more suited to bombing runs, relying on its turrets to pick off any fighters buzzing around. That doesn't feel like dogfighting to me, though.

Agree on the Schroedinger, but I don't think you need the milspec version for that. Both include the cloaking device, so there's no advantage there. I know the stock model moves at a fairly good clip. Is the milspec much faster?

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:14 pm
by Racecarlock
I'm just looking for something that can travel and turn nice and quick that also can have good defense guns (non turret).

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:51 pm
by athomic1
Racecarlock wrote:I'm just looking for something that can travel and turn nice and quick that also can have good defense guns (non turret).
Then, I say, get thee to Rlann space! That's where you'll find the Taizong and Zhuangzong, the most badass movers you'll see! :mrgreen:

Seriously, they've got excellent acceleration on all axes, good turning, both mount heavy weapons, and as long as you're tooling around in their space, you can pick up one of the deadliest beam weapons at their fighter bases and starports: the Ktek beam! You can mount four of those bad boys on the Zhuangzong. Only two on the Taizong; the other two gun mounts only take up to medium weapons, but there's a mount for special missiles as well. You could also put grav thumpers in all those mounts, but I'm not sure I'd recommend those.

The one real weakness of Rlaan vessels is, they don't mount missiles (except for the special mount on the TZ). Rlaan seem to have some sort of disdain for missiles, and thus don't use them, unless you count the short-range grav thumper. The buyable Rlaan ships also don't mount turrets (despite the fact that they sell a couple types?! :? ), but it doesn't sound like you want those anyway. :) Trust me, though, you get a couple of Ktek beams in one of these ships, add autotracking to all the mounts, and you won't miss the missiles. No pirate will be safe within ten kliks of you! (How long is a klik, anyway?)

Oh, yes, if you're still in the hauling business, these won't be the best for capacity, but the Taizong has plenty of extra upgrade space. I've stuffed mine with fifteen cargo upgrades so far, and now have what might be the safest bulk AI hauler this side of the galaxy! :D

So take yourself a tour of Rlaan space! It's worth the trip! :mrgreen:

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:17 am
by loki1950
(How long is a klik, anyway?)
1000 meters or 1 kilometre blame several military types for the nick name i first heard it during the Vietnam conflict in the 60's.

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:09 am
by athomic1
loki1950 wrote:1000 meters or 1 kilometre blame several military types for the nick name i first heard it during the Vietnam conflict in the 60's.
Cool! That's what I suspected, but thought I saw one or two figures that didn't seem to match that ratio. Thanks for the confirmation!

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:37 pm
by energyman76b
athomic1 wrote:
scouto2 wrote:I would recommend a goddard millispec if you are doing a lot of dogfighting.

A schroedinger is also good for getting around quick in enemy systems.
A Goddard for dogfighting? Have you successfully done that??
yes, many times. You need good weapons, a bunch of missiles and your turrents must be turned on.

And then you can fly into a swarm of Forsakken or Luddites and have a lot of fun.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:58 pm
by bokid 1603
And beam weapons. Lots of beam weapons. Don`t have enough cash for a Goddard ATM, but Kteks+Light Ion Beams+something for the light mounts(Ion Bursters, maybe?)seems like a good choice. BTW, does anyone know a Ktek beam`s range :?:

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:57 pm
by Genghis Prawn
The Ktek beam is pretty short .. something like 3,700 meters or so.

I much prefer the razor and reaper guns combined with the sensors that adjust your aiming reticle to lead the target (can't combine guns with beams for it to work) and autotracking upgrade for the gun mounts is a must.

I have started experimenting with the milspec Determinant. It has decent speed and acceleration and mounting a razor, microdriver and 33 heat seeking missile is a lot of fun. Flying into a melee of uln and dgn is a blast. Just gotta watch out for those little guys that like to ram you from behind when your shields are weak.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:06 am
by -REBEL3-
I favor a milspec Goddard with a mix of disruptor beams shield breakers, a grav-thumper, a ktek beam, and a tractor beam. I leave the grav-thumper @ Ktek off most of the time, but if I am going up against something big (like another Goddard,) I fire a few shots from the Grav-thumper. Problem solved! :mrgreen:

I've tried carrying wingmen in my hold, that works OK. I perfer Area or Rlann wingmen, but...that's just me.

With regards to quad Ktek beams, I've tried that. The Ktek has too short of a range, and eats all my power. With disruptors @ shield breakers, I can just hold the fire key down, and kill everything.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:10 am
by athomic1
-REBEL3- wrote:I've tried carrying wingmen in my hold, that works OK. I perfer Area or Rlann wingmen, but...that's just me.
That actually works for you??? How do you manage that? My own observations on cargo wingmen weren't exactly encouraging. You can keep them from running away by ordering them to form up, but other than that... what do you do?

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:37 am
by -REBEL3-
Not much, but they are good as a meat shield. :D. Seriously, the Arean Nicanders are good enough that they can pick off the small stuff (suicidal Dodos and Llamas). (NOTE: I have been outfitting them with quad Disruptor Cannons-cheapish but good.) The Aristons can do some damage to the bigger stuff as well (Goddards). The main thing they are good for is stopping suicide runs from large ships (esp suicidal GTIOs :shock: ). The good thing about Rlann wingmen is that they can carry 4 grav-thumpers. I prefer outfitting them with dual Ktek beams and dual grav-thumpers, but...just a personal preference.

As for recovering the wingmen, well, that's hard. I found that activating my "Tractor Beam" turrets (hacked 8)) works well. However, most of my wingmen are killed in the action, so, I don't get to recover them most of the time.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:50 am
by athomic1
So, do you wind up having to rebuild and outfit your flight group every session, or something?
After messing around with that myself, it seems a lot more trouble that its worth.
I'd really be interested in a more detailed description of how you set up.

Re: Best milspec ship

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:22 am
by -REBEL3-
Ok, from the beginning... :D

I started by altering the statistical values for the creation of cargo wingmen-for example, I would find Arean Nicanders much more often then, say, Plowshares. I did this for Nicanders and Taizong.

I then went around and purchased a half-dozen wingmen. I got some help from a friend, who found a way to alter the game so the wingmen were equipped with weapons from the start, rather then having to equip them myself.

Then, I found a big space battle, and jumped on in. I just told my wingmen to form up, and drove straight into the battle. I let my wingmen break formation once they were inside the battle...they stayed and fought. However, they were all killed. :( .

I found some new wingmen, re-hacked them...

My experience with wingmen has been pretty much this repeated over and over. When I have recovered them, they have not needed re-equipping.

However, they are good for absorbing the flack, and, with the grav thumpers and disruptors, they stop Uln suacide runs nicely. I could put some GrandGauss on them, but that might be considerd cheating... :mrgreen: .

One last thing-in the data file, there is a section with AI behaviors-suicide run, evasive, cap-ship, etc. Do you know if there is any way one of those files could be edited to be a "dock with me" behavior? As in "drive to a point in front of the ship, hold position" style of command? The files seem pretty complex, so it might be possible.
