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Okay, New Questions: Starship Availability

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:17 am
by athomic1
So I got curious and went peeking through master_parts_list.csv, and was disappointed to see I'd already run across pretty much every ship I was going to be able to buy. I know from other threads that I can hack this file to add other ships, although I do wonder: will they just work, as long as they're listed in units.csv, or wherever?

I also noticed a number of ships in the MPL under the category, starships/restricted, all with a price of 1. I presume this category is carefully prevented from popping up at any base or planet, which brings me to my REAL question: where/how is it determined which worlds and bases are (most) likely to carry particular types of ships, and how likely you'll find them there?

Personally, I'd like to see a few more surprises in the shipyards. It gets a little dull hitting every base and interesting-looking planet across a hundred systems, and never finding much more than your regular Hyena, Dosto, etc. It would be nice to run across something unusual every now and then. That's one reason I'd like to know how that base/planet/ship thing works. Another is the strange way ships do seem to crop up: Rlaan Shizus on arid planets, Aera Nicanders on bio simple, Confed EVERYWHERE, whether their space, or not... I don't know.

Anyway, if anyone could shed some light on the matter, I'd be much appreciative. :) Thanks!

Re: Okay, New Questions: Starship Availability

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:36 am
by loki1950
That is defined in units.csv the cargo import column for each base and planet as for Aera ships on bio-simple planets that is there preferred colonization target reminds them of home only not so challenging :wink: here is an example entry for m class planets Bio-Diverse

Code: Select all


to make scene of all that each entry in the column is between { } braces with this format for each enrty

Code: Select all


this is using csveditor2 from the tools and utilities sub-forum hope this gives a start on where to look.

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: Okay, New Questions: Starship Availability

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:14 am
by athomic1
Hrm, very interesting! A couple more questions come to mind as I look at this, but as it's getting late, I'll have to ask them later... if I remember them. :D

Thanks! This should prove helpful!