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Changing Tactics

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:19 am
by Shissui
I have the same questions for several types of ships. I will give answers for a Kameh as example of what I am looking for.

What is the "canonical approach" to destroying X at the beginning of the war?
What is the "canonical approach" to destroying X at the end of the war?
I am particularly interested in how recommended tactics change during the war & how Kirathi strategy against Terran ships may differ from Terran strategies against comparable Kilrathi ships.

Where, X=
- Main line carrier
- large cap ship
- torpedo boat
- heavy fighter
- light fighter

Taking a Kameh as the example:
• A Kameh has a blind spot at the back. Thus, the best approach to killing it is to send a fighter that is agile enough to stay in that spot & the fighter will attack with whatever ordinance it happens to have on hand.
• At the end of the war the Kameh still has the same blind spot; but now it has phase shields. Thus, the earlier approach will not work. Instead, send a torpedo boat & launch a selection of torpedoes, preferably approaching the Kameh through this same blind spot to minimise the losses due to point defence.
• A Paradigm is the nearest equivalent Confed ship. Although it also has the weak spot at the back, it has a great deal more fire power and better angular freedom with where it can point those guns. Thus, while the same strategies apply, it is more important to actually stay in that blind spot.

This is not to say that you cannot destroy a Kameh by frontal assault; merely that it is deemed to be both more elegant and less risky to attack from the blind spot at the back.