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I'm an idiot -- read this for problems w/ last patch

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:44 pm
by spiritplumber
eep :oops: major goofup on my side -- be sure to:

- Run setup at least once.
- Run vegastrikeR.exe instead of vegastrike.exe
- If it still acts up, run the "reset universe' batch file.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:12 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Or should we rename vegastrike.exe to nogoodvs.xex and vegastrikeR.exe to vegastrike.exe? As Elohim mentioned, the setup calls vegastrike.exe automatically. Which is something that shouldn't happen, btw; unless setup.exe is renamed "setupandrunvegastrike.exe".
Spirit, how do I lower ambient light and increase starlight ("sunlight")?
This is frankly RIDICULOUS:


We're looking at the shady side, here; believe it or not... :-(
There's so much ambient light I can't even tell if the emissive and specular textures are there or not.
Now please, we need this fixed like immediately. How can anyone work on texturing ships if the engine is screwing up the lighting completely? How can one tell if a ship is working or not?

Klauss, If new ship textures will have ambient light baked in, they need to have a way to turn ambient lighting off for themselves. And for the rest of ships and systems, ambient light should be a constant, tweakable by noone. Otherwise, lighting conditions can vary between the time a ship is textured and the time it's seen by a player, which isn't fair to texturers.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:24 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Allright, I'm an idiot too; --not that I'd insinuate the amount of ambient light isn't gallopingly absurd, but putting the values of Ambient color to zero in xmesh and meshering back gets rid of the stupid ambient light for the one unit.
But now that the dark side is restored, the glow texture shines by its absence. Donno why. This is my xmesh header section:

Code: Select all

<Mesh scale="1.000000" reverse="0" forcetexture="0" sharevert="0" polygonoffset="0.000000" blend="ONE ZERO" alphatest="0.000000"  texture="demon.jpg" texture1="demonPPL.jpg"  texture2="demonDMG.jpg"  texture3="demonGLO.jpg" >
<Material power="4.000000" cullface="1" reflect="1" lighting="1" usenormals="1">
	<Ambient Red="0.000000" Green="0.000000" Blue="0.000000" Alpha="1.000000"/>
	<Diffuse Red="1.000000" Green="1.000000" Blue="1.000000" Alpha="1.000000"/>
	<Emissive Red="1.000000" Green="1.000000" Blue="1.000000" Alpha="1.000000"/>
	<Specular Red="1.000000" Green="1.000000" Blue="1.000000" Alpha="1.000000"/>
but demonGLO.jpg is there, in the right folder; units/demon; and it opens in Gimp no problem. What the hell is going on?

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:32 pm
by klauss
Your emissive setting is wrong - you don't want any emissiveness. If you're thinking it's necessary to make GLO work, it isn't. Setting an emissive color is like setting an ambient light color that is unaffected by the presence of ambient light (there are special lights in the scene that produce "ambient light" - ambient setting gets modulated by that, while emissive not - the calculation is like: Total Light = (N dot L * Dv * Dl + Al*Av + Ev) * Dt + (N dot R)^Shininess * Sl * Sv * St + Et, where DV = diffuse vertex (material), Dl = diffuse light, Al = ambient light, Av = ambient vertex, Ev = emissive vertex, N = normal, L = light vector (relative to vertex), R = reflection vector, Sl = specular color light, Sv = specular color vertex. Dt = Diffuse texel, St = specmap texel, Et = extra terrestrial (:lol:) - ok... Emissive texel (the glowmap). So you need Ev=0.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:51 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Damn! Should have thought of that; I just assumed it'd modulate emissivity in the texture... I just sent you a PM before I saw your post here...

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:15 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Turned glow to zero and it's better, but I still don't see the glow mask. What about alpha; I left that at 1, should it be zero?

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:17 pm
by Privateer Ferrius
@Spirit: I dont have a vegastrikeR.exe from the zip :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:01 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Ferrius; it looks like the executable we got with WCU is an old, buggy one. Klauss will confirm tonight. He says there used to be an executable in which glow maps weren't working, and looks like we got it. Gotta get back to work; later.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:10 pm
by Privateer Ferrius
I wonder if updating the executable with the latest VS one will make it work.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:34 pm
by chuck_starchaser

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:19 am
by Privateer Ferrius
Still no dice on the exe, even with your config, Chuck. Same error as before. (Cannot initialize properly)

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:47 am
by chuck_starchaser
Well, Klauss said he compiled last night and it's working fine, but he's very busy with work (real life) at the moment; hopefully he'll be able to release a patch soon. I'd try myself; I just dont know how one compiles a wcu executable; I believe it's not exactly in synch with VS, tho I could be wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:48 am
by Privateer Ferrius
Hopefully he gets a patch up soon, so I can stop using Privateer as my Demon's sandbox :mrgreen: