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Enigma is a one way trap.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:56 pm
by chuck_starchaser
All jump points around the Enigma system are one-way only. They lead to Enigma, but when you want to go away from Enigma, any system you jump to from it, has only one jump point... back to Enigma. Pretty Enigmatic..
I guess I'm looking at buying a property there; hotel bills are getting expensive... :D

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:02 pm
by chuck_starchaser
I just remembered, there were a lot of one way jumps around Sol, also.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:28 pm
by crouton
IIRC, any system outside the Privateer 'universe' is sketchy at best... spirit coded up Enigma and Sol and that was it.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:24 am
by mat_yarrow
Maybe it's because the jump destinations in "sol.system" and "enigma.system" are in lowercase (e.g. destination="sol/sirius"/> ) while those in "wcuniverse.xml" are in uppercase (e.g. <var name="jumps" value="Vega/Proxima Sol/Sirius Sol/Talos Sol/Polaris Sol/BernardsStar Sol/Hilthros Sol/AlphaCentauri Vega/Enyo"/> ).

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:02 am
by chuck_starchaser
Been messing up with the enigma.system file, today. I tried captitalizing and didn't help. Or at least only one jump worked: The jump to Bradbury, but now I'm not sure I actually tried it before. By the way, in Bradbury, I suppose it's a autogen system, I have a factory, a refinery and a drydock. But the factory and the refinery are intertwined... fused together, joined at the heap, or whatever you call it.
Anyways, I was looking at working systems in Gemini and I found a lot of the XML closing brackets had a closing slash in front; so I started adding them in the enigma system, and when I tried it I had only a black hole to visit. Slowly getting back my planets... Anyways, the jumps do look different. If I look at New Detroit.system, for instance, here's a few jumps:

<planet name="Jump_To_Saxtogue" file="jump.png" alpha="ONE ONE" radius="256" gravity="0" x="-11500" y="11000" day="240" destination="Gemini/Saxtogue" />
<planet name="Jump_To_Raxis" file="jump.png" alpha="ONE ONE" radius="256" gravity="0" x="-5500" y="7500" day="240" destination="Gemini/Raxis"/>
<planet name="Jump_To_XXN-1927" file="jump.png" alpha="ONE ONE" radius="256" gravity="0" x="11000" y="0" day="240" destination="Gemini/XXN-1927"/>

Whereas in Enigma:

<Planet name="Jump_To_Ktithrak_Mang" file="jump.png" ri="-1718688.875000" rj="823641.187500" rk="-1266702.875000" si="-482599.468750" sj="4075145.500000" sk="3304560.250000" radius="284.702698" x="-90815440.000000" y="144020096.000000" z="-170646224.000000" year= "4462433.500000" day="444.454987" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Enigma/Ktithrak_Mang" >
<Planet name="Jump_To_Mccaffrey" file="jump.png" ri="1897444.000000" rj="3085386.500000" rk="272116.343750" si="-2612778.250000" sj="1641138.125000" sk="-389337.218750" radius="228.133682" x="-94815440.000000" y="140020096.000000" z="-170646224.000000" year= "7015442.000000" day="236.946487" alpha="ONE ONE" destination="Enigma/McCaffrey" >

In newdet there are no </Planet> tags. Don't know xml; should <planet... .../> be equivalent to <planet... ...></planet> ?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:15 pm
by chuck_starchaser
Update: I've got some of the jump points around Enigma working now, some are not, like Challimachus, Tesla and Ghora_Khar. But now my map is screwed up. It only shows the local system I'm in. If I try to go up to sector map, I get empty space.

Was hoping to take a mission back to Civilization (Gemini) but there were none. I took a mission somewhere else, but when I hit 'o' it told me to jump to a system there was no jump point to. Another problem in systems around this area is I get attacked by kilrathi ships that have no physical embodiments. They are like points in space, yet they can shoot me. I want to go home... Back to my Beloved Helen.

Seriously, though, frankly I don't like this business of auto-generated systems. If we go this route, we'll end up like Vegastrike, the game, which is presently an infinitely boring, endless sea of systems that are all equal, or equivalent, and all you're really doing is spending hours going through lists of system names. Lovely names, for sure, but there's nothing to be learned, nothing to be found, nothing to do except random stuff. Randomness is okay as a filler, just like ice is nice with scotch; but you don't want Antartica with your scotch. Not me anyways...

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:53 pm
by spiritplumber
You're right, eventually at least all the systems that appear in WC games will have to be done by hand. I plan to tweak the autogen for those who aren't done by hand so that they look like WC "landscapes".

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:04 am
by mat_yarrow
Have you tried deleting the autogenerated systems in your "sectors" folder in your ".privateer100" directory after editing the *.system and "wcuniverse.xml" files?

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:28 am
by mat_yarrow
Concerning the Enigma system, it could be that there is no "Enigma/Ktithrak_Mang" in the "wcuniverse.xml", but there is an "Enigma/KtithrakMangKTithrakMang" and also for some of the jumps you mentioned ( "Enigma/CallimachusCallmachius" , "Enigma/GhorahKhar" ).

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:40 am
by chuck_starchaser
mat_yarrow wrote:Have you tried deleting the autogenerated systems in your "sectors" folder in your ".privateer100" directory after editing the *.system and "wcuniverse.xml" files?
No, I didn't know of the existence of such animals. I'll do so tomorrow; going to sleep now; my head hit the keyboard twice already... ;-) Thanks.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:33 pm
by klauss
So to let you know, the /> is mandatory in XML when an opening tag does not have a closing tag. Ie, if you wrote in HTML <b></b>, it would be <b/> in XML (since empty tags are an error). Also, <br> would be <br/> (since br does not have closing tag). I don't know if those slashes were missing, but to figure out you have to look inside the structure. Ie:

<planet ...>
<bla ... > <!-- things about planet -->

Then you surely must not append /> to <planet ..>, otherwise you would be closing planet early.
But, if it's like in the config file: <var name=blabla value=blabla>, then you do need to append the slash, to make it <var name=blabla value=blabla />