storyline ideas

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Post by Fireskull »

The problem with Caernavens is that they are out of scale ::P

Every single cap ship IG is MUCH smaller than it should really be. Paradigms are like a third of their actual size, Gilgameshes too and I wont even get started on heavy carriers.

So, Caernavens should be much bigger. The ship looks "poor" because its a new design. That ship is a new generation frigate you see... and if you look at all capships Confed designed after battle of earth they all have simple designs. They left out the open landing bays carriers had, basically turning carriers into a big box. They stopped doing curves for destroyers too... A paradigm and a Gilgamesh have all this cool looking frame, but the newest destroyer of confed, the Sheffield, is "made out of boxes" in the same manner a Caernaven is.

I would have fixed that already, but I am too dumb to figure out how to properly open units.cvs and change unit scales.

So, if we had scales right, that ship could easily be smaller than Caernavens while still being big. 180 meters is about the size of a Kamekh ( the kilrathi like to use small capships ) which, if you played wc standoff, you can see inst exactly "small" either :P
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Post by spiritplumber »

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Post by Fireskull »

amazing... just plain amazing...

*makes a backup of his units.cvs and gets to work*
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

spiritplumber wrote:wow, exploration @_@; that's going to be ceeerazy to implement.
Which part of it, spirit? So far, the hardest part I see is the Exploration Computer interface, but probably a matter of copying the code for the map thing and modifying it.
In terms of data, we'd need to have systems that don't show on official maps but that show in clandestine maps. That's the "buffer zone", explored by some, but not officially acknowledged. And then more systems that would be yet to be discovered. Many of those. So, I'm thinking, the size of the universe could be as big as Vegastrike's, but at the beginning of the game you don't even suspect it's there. It is only once you manage either,
1) To obtain clandestine maps, or
2) To obtain Exploration equipment.

In the second case, if you have the exploration equipment but not the maps, say that you are in New Detroid and you do a scan for jump points with your new equipment, you might find that there's now a jump there in the middle of the system that didn't appear to be there before. You jump through it and you're in a nameless system with nothing in it. You do your scanning and analysis again, and find there are 3 jump points in this system. You take one of them and it lands you, say, in Rikel. So you jump back and try another one and it takes you to another nameless system; scan again, another jump point, jump and you're in Blockade Point Tango. So now, for the first time, you begin to understand where all those kat ships in New Det are coming from... :D
If you are in Troy and you do a scan, you might find a jump point to another system that might, after say 2 more jumps end at some pirate base, explaining those references to contraband coming through Troy.
But you might also find mining bases. Clandestine operations on the part of the merchant faction.
Now, if you keep going deeper and deeper, eventually you'll find systems that nobody's ever seen before.
Sorry that my examples are from Gemini; I'm not familiar with the other sectors, but same thing. Now, not all systems would have unofficial jump points. They'd be more common towards the edges of the official maps.

Have you read Jorge Luis Borges, Spirit? Argentinian writer. I read one of his books when I was young. Buenos Aires has like a secret network of tunnels that were dug in preparation to the Brittish invasions. They helped the defenders "disappear" from one place and appear at another. There's all kinds of legends about what happened to those tunnels in the following centuries. Borges wrote this fantasy book where blind people in Buenos Aires have like a secret society that thrives in the underground. I can't remember the name of the book now.
Anyhow, this unofficial system of systems would be like an underground for the player to discover. And there could be angles to it too, like there might be a pleasure cruiser full of corrupt politicians you have to blow up, and the place to find it is in that "underground". You might also find militias fighting retros, or whatever. Thing is, militias can only venture so far before it gets too hot for them...
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Post by klauss »

I'd prefer it being a HUD interface. That is, you enter the kind of sensory information to map on the HUD, and the computer overlays all that information. That's damn cool looking. That's what I intended with Hyperspace, if you remember that. So, it would be a matter of defining hidden objects: objects that have a "Sensor Gizmo ID", and you filter by ID, overlaying such or such IDs onscreen.

Plus, it would be much simpler.

Plus, if you checked out CVS lately, there's a new commandline interface. You can input commands much like in Quake's command console.

You could do all this crazy stuff with it.

> Enable_Sensor_Overlay jump_analyzer
> Enable_Sensor_Overlay anomaly_mapper

So, the anomaly_mapper would show gradients and stuff which would be possible jump points, but not all of them. The jump_analyzer would, at close range, identify those anomalies as either true jumppoints, or whatever. And, perhaps, their destinations?
Anyway, I was just saying, that this new console is ver, very very very useful.
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Post by tiny paintings »

Regarding the yacht model...

WRT scale:
You can pretty much scale it how you wish since there's really no detail in the model that defines the scale, there's no need to limit yourselves to 180 m.

I uploaded the two notable different versions I could find at Enjoy.
It'll need a little work, though: The left and right halves needs to be stitched up at the back. Some cleaning up, removing "dead" polygons and perhaps adding additional detail could be useful as well. And of course, it needs to be UV-mapped too.

If it winds up in ingame I'll have a good reason, overcoming my laziness, for finally trying out WCU :)
Last edited by tiny paintings on Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fireskull »

Is there a limit to how much you can increase a unit with unit_scale?

Those carriers arent looking even slightly bigger... no matter how much I work with the numbers. I did fix paradigms already though.. they have a respectable size now, about double the size of Kamehks from standoff
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Post by klauss »

I don't think there's such a limit.
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Post by spiritplumber »

Commandline? Dood. Do we also get to make key macros?

One feature which I will request and implement if you don't :P add a cmdline switch to show the size, in game units, of whatever you are targeting. Two reasons:

(1) Makes life a lot easier for us units.csv tweakers
(2) Looks cool, if we want it enabled in game. Capship HUDs should give out a lot more info, for example (doesn't have to be all useful ;) )
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Post by Fireskull »


i must be doing something wrong.

here is what i am doing:

Open units.cvs with CVSed.

Go to column 13 ( the UNITS_SCALE column )

Change the numbers


Save again for good measure

Close the program

Run resetuniverse.bat ( i dont run reset units )

Start the game.

I have set the scales for carrier at 10.000 to see if any change would come by... they are still their tiny little selfs. And now with paradigms being so big, they are really dwarfed :P
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Post by Fireskull »


I am sure its the correct unit too. The other carrier IG is called "victory" and the other one "dreadnaught" this one is just "carrier".
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Post by klauss »

The column is Unit_Scale.
Beweare of case. If you somewhat changed it, it will blow in your face. But, if everything else works, I guess that's not the problem. I have no idea of what could be happening... did you try breaking the mesh file? It's a nice way to see if your changes make it to the game engine: if it says "whatever.bfxm" change it to "whatever.fuckedup.bfxm". It you still see the thing... then you're editing the wrong line.
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

tiny paintings wrote:Regarding the yacht model...

WRT scale:
You can pretty much scale it how you wish since there's really no detail in the model that defines the scale, there's no need to limit yourselves to 180 m.

I uploaded the two notable different versions I could find at Enjoy.
It'll need a little work, though: The left and right halves needs to be stitched up at the back. Some cleaning up, removing "dead" polygons and perhaps adding additional detail could be useful as well. And of course, it needs to be UV-mapped too.

If it winds up in ingame I'll have a good reason, overcoming my laziness, for finally trying out WCU :)
Million thanks, TP; it will be a while, though; I'm not sure how long it will take me to figure out wings; and I'm not done yet with the caernaven. Yeah, if I figure out Wings, I'll probably put 4 decks behind the front window and double its official size. I'd like it to be able to carry a few ships, like 8 interceptors and 4 bombers, something along the lines... I think this will be the last and best ship the player owns, if it's made available to buy, or obtainable in some other way ;-)
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Post by Fireskull »

Thanks for your idea Klauss... infact neither of the carriers I was changing were affecting the one near perry. Changing the mesh name didnt do it.

But this is pretty much a mistery to me. Because as far as I know we dont have any other mesh for a WC3 style carrier... these changes -should- be affecting that darned carrier.
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Post by klauss »

Take a look at stdout.txt
IIRC, when spawning, a line is output saying "Launching blablah"
That way, you can see the name of the unit being spawned.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
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Post by spiritplumber »

I have no idea either, I tried and it works.

Do you have a .vegastrike directory? If so try to delete it.
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Post by Fireskull »

hmm, I just tried to change the paradigm size to something absurd... didnt work.

Are you guys completely suuuure its the units.cvs I must change? :P
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Post by spiritplumber »

Yes, lol...

Do this -- Delete every subdirectory in the .privateer100 and .vegastrike directories. (Back up your saves first).

Also, be sure you're editing units.csv and not units.csv.xls or something similar? Openoffice tries to save in its own format and sometimes messes up extensions, see if you don't have two files in the units dir.
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Post by Fireskull »

okay.. I will do this later. I have been trying to change this for about 3 hours with no result.. I need a break.
Captin cocksniff
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Post by Captin cocksniff »

Ok back to the exploraloration thing. So much has gon on in just a few days, so forgive me if i didn't catch everything.

I love that highborn, i also think the Firekkan manufacture is a good idea, kinda like cutting edge japaneese technology!

The idea of the explorers guild is a good one. But i eco fireskull, in that i don't understand why it would have to be illegal. Maybe the reasoning is sound, but how are we going to explain all that to the player? we should try not to complicate things too much. I would say that as a member of the "exploreers guild", all work is done at your own risk, but you are officially "legally obliged" to sell your "nav data" to the guild which would be lucritive. as with the bounty hunters guild, you don't allways have to follow the rules. there should be hidden pirate and retro bases, to make things risky, and possibly neps out in "deep space". Maby you come across the occasional illegal manufactureing plant, where you can buy cheap goods. I personally would love to see a race of Human hateing robots (like in futurerama), they could be the ultimate enemy of the retros!

I think it would be kinda cool for explorers to have like robotic probes, that can act as scouts or markers. I'm no phyiscisist, but i wouldn't go through an unknowen jump unless i knew i could get back.

I#m sure there is loads i have missed but i have to get to work (on a sunday no less!)
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Captin cocksniff wrote:Ok back to the exploraloration thing. So much has gon on in just a few days, so forgive me if i didn't catch everything.
I love that highborn, i also think the Firekkan manufacture is a good idea, kinda like cutting edge japaneese technology!
Great! It was just a thought, 'cause I know nothing, but I'm glad you have no objection.
The idea of the explorers guild is a good one. But i eco fireskull, in that i don't understand why it would have to be illegal. Maybe the reasoning is sound, but how are we going to explain all that to the player? we should try not to complicate things too much. I would say that as a member of the "exploreers guild", all work is done at your own risk, but you are officially "legally obliged" to sell your "nav data" to the guild which would be lucritive. as with the bounty hunters guild, you don't allways have to follow the rules. there should be hidden pirate and retro bases, to make things risky, and possibly neps out in "deep space". Maby you come across the occasional illegal manufactureing plant, where you can buy cheap goods.
I think it's very important to make non-ES exploration illegal:

1) If it wasn't, then the official maps would be expanding at an accelerated rate, driven by free enterprise, which would disagree with canon. At each episode there should be many more systems than the previous.
2) If the official maps were not artificially bounded, militias and Confed would be spread too thin and there'd be no clear mandate as to what jurisdictions are they expected to keep under control and protect.
3) We have the opportunity to explain the appearance of hitherto unknown jump-points, like in the last mission in RF where the jump to Eden appears and then another to Rikel.
4) We have the opportunity to explain why we never saw jump-points into unexplored systems at the fronteers.
5) We have the opportunity to explain where all these kats, retros and pirates are coming from, that just appear at systems out of nowhere.
6) We can gradually go from a universe that is superficially identical to WC canon, and gradually introduce the player to the concept that there's much more underneath than meets the eye.

Nothing of this would be possible if we removed the illegality.
As for how to explain all this to the player, simple: Magazines. You buy an issue of "Explorer -- The Unofficial Hero's Journal" and you find articles, and letters to the editor arguing for and against legalization of exploration. Then all these issues can be explained in luxury of detail.
I personally would love to see a race of Human hateing robots (like in futurerama), they could be the ultimate enemy of the retros!
Hmm... Having them killed by technology would almost justify their paranoia of technology... How about, if Kroiz you say took over Menesch's business, one secret op you do while working with Monte could be to deliver talons and spare parts (via the unofficial lanes of course) which have been booby-trapped with some remote control or timer, so by a certain date after that delivery, pirates and retros are suddenly decimated. Their ships blow up spontaneously across the official map and in their hidden systems too.
Or, we could have robotic things unleashed onto the retros, but that latch onto their ships and simply disable them.
Not sure, let me think about this...
I think it would be kinda cool for explorers to have like robotic probes, that can act as scouts or markers. I'm no phyiscisist, but i wouldn't go through an unknowen jump unless i knew i could get back.
Good Idea!
I#m sure there is loads i have missed but i have to get to work (on a sunday no less!)
Yeah, and I have piles of laundry to do...
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Post by Fireskull »


1) Official maps dont need to expand at a accelerated rate, as those are the maps that are sold to the general public. But I see no reason for the map the player owns to be slowly expanding. It should expand dynamically as the player explores new systems.
Now and then the map the player owns could/should be updated with systems other explorers found.
2) Just because a system is know,it doesnt means it must be colonized.
3) Wanst there a explanation for that already? I thought jump points were naturally created, but had to be found with special tech.
4)There are jumps at the front already.. at least with the Kilrathi border there are and you can go into Kilrathi territory.

About jump points to fronts into unknown territory, we cant map the whole galaxy.

5) Retros have hidden bases, pirates have hidden bases. Kilrathi, when found in confed territory, should do so with light carrier and other fast moving ships. Fighters in special missions are also possible.

6) We can do that without having the faction being illegal. I am not sure if it needs explaining, but for short: as exploration happens, more of the map shows up.
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Sounds like you agree with me on every point...
Fireskull wrote:Chuck:
1) Official maps dont need to expand at a accelerated rate, as those are the maps that are sold to the general public. But I see no reason for the map the player owns to be slowly expanding. It should expand dynamically as the player explores new systems.
Now and then the map the player owns could/should be updated with systems other explorers found.
Exactly what I said. Those are the "official" maps sold to the general public. Everybody knows there are plenty of "unofficial" systems, but the jump-points in and out of those systems are not on most ships' computers, and most people don't have the equipment to detect them because the equipment is not legally available to the public.
But yes, as you explore systems, your computer's map expands.
2) Just because a system is know,it doesnt means it must be colonized.
Of course not. What I said is *some* planets in this gray zone would be squatted, some asteroids mined, ... meant "just a few".
3) Wanst there a explanation for that already? I thought jump points were naturally created, but had to be found with special tech.
Exactly. But what I meant is *politically* how can we explain that, given proper equipment these jump points off systems in the middle of civilization, like from Rikel, should have been known long before a retro informant gives you their coordinates, right? Or should we assume that the ES simply missed them the first time? The system later called Eden must have been known before, but for some reason never included in the official maps.
4)There are jumps at the front already.. at least with the Kilrathi border there are and you can go into Kilrathi territory.
Only some jump-points into kat territory are mapped. If you got to lile TriPaq, North-East Gemini, there's kats all over the place, with no apparent route from katland.
About jump points to fronts into unknown territory, we cant map the whole galaxy.
Agreed. The whole galaxy would be quite a mouthful. Now, let's see...
The Milky Way galaxy:
Off the top of my head I remember we're 8.5 kilo-parsecs from the core. Each parsec, IIRC is about 3 and a half light years, so... 8.5x3.5=about 30,000 light years. Now, we're about 2/3 of the way out, so one more third to the back, and 3 more thirds forward, that's 4, plus 2 = 6, so double, so the diameter of our galaxy is about 60,000 light years. And the thickness of the galactic disc is 2% of its diameter, I remember reading, so that's 1200 light years thick. Judging from the systems in the Sol sector I would say they span less than 100 light years, so the whole present map, katland included would probably span less than 1000 light years across. So we haven't even crossed the thickness of the disc, yet. What I'm suggesting is that we have a ratio of unexplored systems, relative to explored systems, of about 100 to 1; which I reckon would make the total number of systems to be a few thousand, so roughly the size of Vegastrike's universe. So the engine can handle it, no problem.
5) Retros have hidden bases, pirates have hidden bases. Kilrathi, when found in confed territory, should do so with light carrier and other fast moving ships. Fighters in special missions are also possible.
Thing is, retros show up in large numbers in Oxford. Kats are always in New Det. How do they get there? How come I never see those light carriers?
6) We can do that without having the faction being illegal. I am not sure if it needs explaining, but for short: as exploration happens, more of the map shows up.
Actually, I didn't explain myself correctly: I never thought of Explorer as a "faction", more like an occupation. And not an illegal ocupation exactly, either, since the very existence of private explorers isn't even acknowledged. The official story is that exploration happens because the ES are doing their job, which is the opposite of the truth. What is officially illegal is the sale of exploration equipment, which is supposed to only be available to the ES and other government agencies.
It's not that if you become an explorer, suddenly militias and confeds will be your enemies. Being an explorer shouldn't make any difference to your faction relations.

I'm daydreaming about the final confrontation with Kroiz...
I think you could play it out in different ways, but my way would be to find a good unexplored system and build it up, then build a fleet, continuously expand it and wait for him to attack first. In more detail:
Finding the "perfect system"
Mineral abundance and good protection are paramount. I would imagine the perfect system as one that is far enough that only capships with extra fuel can get there from anywhere in the official map systems. A system that would feature a number of planets and moons and one or two gas giants, and that is only accessible from systems that are chock-full of asteroids, except for one route which cargo ships can take.
First thing you'd do is "take" the systems surrounding your chosen home-base. You'd set up mining bases on their larger asteroids, and place permanently hired mercenaries to guard the entry jump-points. Then you'd begin settling the planets in your new homebase. First the life-bearing planets, to produce food locally; then the other moons and planets. You'd set up automatic defense satellites, and space elevators to reduce the cost of moving goods to and from planets. As soon as your system starts producing a sizable surplus of foods and minerals, you buy or build a large space-station in a system a bit closer to "civilization", which you can use as a point for trading. Reason being, you don't want outsiders navigating into your homebase system, since you want to keep it secret.
Meanwhile, you'll need a sleeper in the Kroiz empire, so as to find out...
a) How big are his fleets --types and numbers of ships, etc.
b) What or how much he knows about you.
c) Feed him wrong info about your strength, at the right time, to lure him into attacking you.

Then, after he attacks you and looses a large portion of his fleet, you repair your ships, gather them into a huge fleet and attack the center of his empire.
Last edited by chuck_starchaser on Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Captin cocksniff
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Post by Captin cocksniff »

Dam it my post didn't go up.!!!! :x

Ok well. I am pretty sure that Eden was never "discoverd" as the retros had a "contact" in the ES.

Another thing which, i am not so sure about, but makes sense and i will post it so someone can correct me if i am wrong......

I think that the ES was pretty much scrapped when the kilrathi war started.
needless to say that exploration is expencive and they proabbly had some large ships that would be usefull in the war effort. It would explain why you can do missions for them in the plot. as they may still have a small budget, and can only afford to hire privateers asopposed to commissining their own vessels.

I guess what i am saying is that the ES dureing this time could take on a diffrent role. For instance, pirates would no doubt hide out in the expances of unexplored space, and there would be illegal manufactureing, compnies would want to put a stop to this. So one role of the ES could be to scout out pirate and retro bases, or pirate capships hideing. The other role is to find resources for confed.
the "exploritry guild" could be a loose association with the ES, as in it is a major cut in costs for the ES, to employ private contractors as it is at your own risk, the equipment is yours, and there is no insurance policy if/when you don't return, and they only pay for "sucessfull missions", (ie when you find a base, or resources). as there is no gaurantee of sucess, and you will encounter large numbers of pirates, it would be too risky and expencive for most. Normal bounty hunters couldn't do this job as they don't have the equipment.

some problems that i see (and don't necessarally understand) is, firstly we would have to change the missions you do for the ES (it could make them more exciteing), and secondly, you can still see jump points even if you don't buy the maps (is that a problem?)!
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Post by chuck_starchaser »

Captin cocksniff wrote:Dam it my post didn't go up.!!!! :x
Ok well. I am pretty sure that Eden was never "discoverd" as the retros had a "contact" in the ES.
That is certainly a possibility. In fact, it would go well with the whole idea of retros infiltrating the political cliques.
Another thing which, i am not so sure about, but makes sense and i will post it so someone can correct me if i am wrong......
I think that the ES was pretty much scrapped when the kilrathi war started.
needless to say that exploration is expencive and they proabbly had some large ships that would be usefull in the war effort. It would explain why you can do missions for them in the plot. as they may still have a small budget, and can only afford to hire privateers asopposed to commissining their own vessels.
I'm all for this, if nobody else objects; it could all be explained or hinted at in magazine articles.
I guess what i am saying is that the ES dureing this time could take on a diffrent role. For instance, pirates would no doubt hide out in the expances of unexplored space, and there would be illegal manufactureing, compnies would want to put a stop to this. So one role of the ES could be to scout out pirate and retro bases, or pirate capships hideing. The other role is to find resources for confed.
Here I disagree. If the ES were in the business of digging out pirate bases they'd probably be wiped out by the pirates. I think the ES has become a powerless and resourceless bureaucracy, who lay low and keep their noses way, way out of trouble. As for corporations, there'd be a range of them between 90% legit to 90% crooked. Okay, say in Palan, Monkhouse was finance by one corporation, and there was another corporation laying siege, I can't remember the names or which was which, one was Bronte. Anyways, the corporation financing Monkhouse I think is based in Palan. Where's the base of the other corporation? Answer: somewhere in the gray zone. So, it wouldn't be true that "corporations" would want to stop anything. All corporations would be at least somewhat crooked, the more crooked the more profitable, and therefore the more likeley to finance luxury trips for politicians.
the "exploritry guild" could be a loose association with the ES, as in it is a major cut in costs for the ES, to employ private contractors as it is at your own risk, the equipment is yours,
No. Absolutely no way. When you do those missions for the ES you only gather data and bring it back to them and they have the equipment to analyze it and tell you where the jump-points are, and then you have to repeat the process. The equipment is not intended to be available to individuals, otherwise the existence of this "underworld" would become public and
a) would be a major embarrassment
b) would put the onus on Confed and Militias to go into the gray zone and clean it up, which they can't afford to do
c) would cause the gray zone to expand even faster
d) would piss off major corporations that do tax-free business there
e) would piss off politicians that have their private pleasure bases there
... and secondly, you can still see jump points even if you don't buy the maps (is that a problem?)!
That IS an "inconsistency" we should perhaps fix.
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