Mech Warror Idea

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Mech Warror Idea

Post by Guest »

Now in some versions of mechwarror you had ship to ship fighting with Mechs as well as the standard stuff (Ie the ship guns).

Also Pirates on the battle zone with a drop ship style standard for team play.

Ie one or two players controling the dropship ghost bear had fold/warp pickup boosts for the dropship. That had to be summoned on leaving to pickup the drop ship after it left planit ie drop ship could not warp but drop ship could drop into a planit a few secs after warp ship droped in and automatical jump again leaving the drop ship behined to achive the objective.

Basicly allow planit fighting and ship to ship by ground units. Destorying of settlements and capture of them as well.

Note depending on the dropship system(ie the drop ship has to be protected to get off the planit). The commander of the drop ship could be giveing his ground units infomation on target and approcing threat. When landed I would guess that a drop ship would have to be stealth unless using weapon systems. Drop ship comanders will have to make up there mind if or of not they hang around for the ground units they landed with (does cost of replacement match up to risk). If a drop ship command pulls out the players with him sould also be able to change sides to live.

Basicly the dropship transport ship stays in fold until summoned. Take out the dropship the transport ship is gone too. Once disconnected they will be time gap before it can be summoned to pick up the dropship so infomation will the this teams best help poor info completly stuffed objective. Lack of size of a drop ship is the other problem a dropships weapons will be depending more on its cargo than its own mounted guns.

Advantage a pack of drop ships could take control of landing sites and resources(space included ship to ship mech the mech will be able to get too close on a spacestation of a spacestation to beable to defend self.
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:43 pm

Post by Penta »

Hey, whaddabout Classic Classic BTech, pre-Clans?
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 15, 2004 11:54 am

Post by Moses »

i like dte battletech/battlespace-mod-idear too, but vegastrike isnt designed yet for multiplayer combat and we need some features that still not exist in vs yet too...

basic key-features that r missig for getting bt into vs:

-since battletech dont report much about freelancers that can employ an entire jumpship, there is basicly a need for multiplayer, in detail we need a host-client-system that support to setup a start-situation in a system of the hosts choice, evry player chose a ship and if all ready the battle starts...

-choseable unitinsignia and paintshemes for a team would be nice too
(but wee could make for evry ship and unit diffrent textures too)

-wee need to make it well a part-dammagesystem, if a wing of ship is blown away the weapons and sytems that was mounted on this part r ripped away too, but the rest of the ship can remain operational if not vital system was damaged.

-the wapponfire in battletech is not limeted by energy, its limeted by heat, almost evry weapon in bt produce heat to compensate this the ship itselve got heatsinks, if u fire to much weapons at once the heatbuildup may be higher than the sinks can compensate, your ship overheat what can result in diusableilng sytems, crew(yourself), even in a big boom that can affect neaby units too.

(inverting the energy scale that evry wappon porduce 'energy' and the ship constantly try to compensate this buildup by heatsinks that use the engery for 'nothing' could maybe simulate this in vs, than we just need some gamemechanics that roll for system and crew failures on high energy/heat)

- docking of (in vs. capital class) ships may be a nice feature

( jumpships can jump with several docked dropships to other systems within the range of 30 lightyears, fighter can be docked to jumpships or dropships if they got fighter-bays)

- in vs u can dock as fighter to a capital ship (as far as i know), we need an reammunition-sript on in this chase (no repairs just ammo !!)

- weapongrouping ... just reffer to mechwarrior 3
(u can bind serveral weapons to a group and fire them together, u can switch to 'chain' a speacail group or al weapons, i suggest to avoid one shot kills, that the group fire is not realy a 'fire all at once', more a very fast chain of this group)

- swarm-missiles, in bt-universe most giuded systems fired in swarm of up to 40 single missiles, mostly not all hit of course, i dont know if thisa is poissible in vs yet

-TeleOperated Missiles
A new post-Star League capital missile available only to Inner Sphere navies, Teleoperated Missiles are available in all three missile types (Killer Whale, White Shark, Barracuda) and a new, larger missile, the Kraken. These missiles can be launched from either DropShips or WarShips.

Teleoperated missiles are remotely controlled by operators on the attacking ship. Each has a small amount of fuel, which are used as Thrust Points. The missile is launched with the same speed as the ship. Missiles do not decelerate and have no Maximum Thrust Value. It is capable of manuevering in any direction as long as it has fuel. Once the fuel is expended, the missile can no longer accelerate or change direction.

A missile without a clear LOS to its target cannot accelerate or manuever. If the firing unit is destroyed, the missile continues on its current heading and speed.

Teleoperated missiles cannot attack fighters. If the missile ends its turn in a hex occupied by an its target, then it makes an attack roll with a Base To-Hit number of 2. If it misses its target, it remains on the board until it hits a target, runs out of fuel or is destroyed.
- Screen Launcher
A defensive system now availble only on Inner Sphere ships, the Screen Launcher uses an explosive obscurant to block LOS to attacking vessels.

- LBX - some kind of a big shoot gun (maybe fast unguided missleswarm???

- autocannons fire full rounds (lines) of granades

ok so far the basic needs now the goodies:

some ships in bt got crew members known as elemental-warriors ('specail humans' with a lightly armed and amored battlesiut) these suits got jumpjets that could also be used to maneuver under zero-gravity conditions, sometimes these worriors r used to capure hostil ships if they not allow them to dock with thier ship or a TC43-Combat-Taxi (very small transport vessel) to a regular bay, than elementals can use thier arm-mounted claw an thier small laser to cut a little hole throug the ships amor...

- up to 6 player (pilot+gunners) on a capital class ship

- load a scenario from a sql-database, so that already damaged units and a pre generated fightsetup can be loaded by the host (might be very usefull for leagueplay)

there might be more cool things but so far thats enough stuff to deal with, i dont know much about the inner workings of vs so maybe a modder from one of the other cool projects or a programmer might give us dreamers a word whats possible and for what we should make an entire new game...

ps: sorry for my rusty english...
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