Astroseries MOD has been suspended!

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Astroseries MOD has been suspended!

Post by Astroboy »

SomeNick has sent me to tell you that the Astroseries MOD has been suspended, for a while. He said he might retake the MOD project but right now he cant. His girlfriend left him and he is now depressed and wont want to work on Astroseries. DarkGaiya_r0x (working with him) cannot do anythign either he has to study. And DKar who is also in Astroseries team is in hospital due to an intoxication. SO I fear no Astroseries for a while :-(
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Post by peteyg »

Well hopefully things will turn out well for everyone, and they can take another stab at it.
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Post by hellcatv »

I'm very sorry to hear that

let me know if there's anything I can do to cheer SomeNick up...

remember: psychological research has shown, the best way to recover from a depressing situation is to take up a hobby, do it, and do it it sports, art, or hell even Vega Strike :-)

anyhow my best wishes to SomeNick-- and do *something* (doesn't matter what--it will become important) to cheer up, it's the best advice a friend can give.
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Astroseries NOT suspended

Post by SomeNick »

Astroseries MOD is NOT suspended. As I see it, and as some of my friends see it, Astroseries is, well, a series of games. While the different game episodes migth be done usign different game engines (some made with Game Craetor, some with FreeCraft/Stratagus, and some might be done with VegaStrike), episodes are always sequential. One episode comes right after the former. At some point inside our group it was suggested to allow others to also work with us at Astroseries, however the idea never trully flourished because we decided to do the first episodes on our own, to set some of the Astroseries details. For example, Aliens in Astroseries are very well varied, and we have always wanted to make emphasis (as doen already on some previous episodes) on the differences of alien cultures. Our aliens are not transplanted Americans, nor transplanted Europeans, or anything. Some of our aliens might not make any sense at all. Some are at least as powerful as the Earht government itself. Others are poor. Languages vary. We dont have anything like SPace CNN, nor WNN, nor SNN, etc. Each culture has to be strong on its own. All of this might sound like a bit crappy, or maybe even deja vu, but is part of what we try to make at Astroseries. Also Astroseries is meant to have a strong political background. The Earth is under a mighty and iron fisted dictatorship (nothing like the Federation nor Confederation, but a real bad ass dictatorship, if you will excuse the expression) and, ironically, Earth are almost the bad guys in Astroseries.

OK, why I have said all of this? Well, Astroseries is a series of evolving episodes and tales, and, as a result, the Astroseries MOD has NOT been suspended. Only delayed, due to personal reasons. Some personal problems, as mentioned by my friend above. Some economical problems, also studies. I might retake the Astroseries MOD later this year. While we have a web site , im sorry to say we dont have any information about our MOD at all. It was never oficially announced, so not to let people down if thigns got in the way. As it happened, partially. But as said, I might retake the Astroseries MOD later this year.


I migth help with a few proposals for VegaStrike, tho. It would be cool if we could define each base in a separate .xml file, like saying <room1 image="file.png">

and wether they have a bar, weaposn store, etc


And then we could add each file to any specific planet like, when we add them to a system, we define the planets position, days, etc. Well, we could also add a tag that says basefile=mybase.xml

I migth explain this a bit better later on. Why this? Personally I think the current way bases are loaded in VS is pretty sucky. It is very hard to manage if we want each single planet to be different from every other single planet.

For example, the guys at Star Trek migth want to add iomages and specific things to planet Romulus, and planet Qonos, and Earth. None of these shoudl look like any other planet. And it should not be a horribly pain in the but to get it done. Same applies for all other mods.

Maybe if you people told me where to find the source code of VS I might try some stuff on my own? And share it with you, if I get something worth it done? I might take my good while to get things done, though. I dont promise much, but I migth give it a shot, sometime.
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Post by hellcatv »

you can do all of these thigns on a per planet bases

you could even make a series of linked rooms and have it act much like the king's quest series

basically each base script is a .py file (they can import other bases and share code that way) and it tells which rooms each bases have...

it happens to be that they share weapon room code, but that does not need to be the case

Each weapon room could be entirely different...and some may not need such organization...

base design right now is extremely flexible--you could even have a procedurally generated base organization :-)
check in the bases/ folder -- it has a list of the bases and how they're notice that the pleasure planet has a completely different setup than others (
other bases can be similar
Well I hope you continue the mod sooner than later--- glad to hear your'e back

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Post by SomeNick »

Allright. Well, I will take a deeper look into it. Actually, I have succeeded in adding new bases. Maybe I just did it in a messy way, but can be solved and made simpler when I take a better look at it.

The project migth continue later than sooner (sadly) because I am in the middle of some studies. Also I am moving two major websites ( and ) to a somewhat better web host. They both are currently hosted in Geocities but I found far better web hosts. Leaving the Geocities ones open only for emergency and backup, nothing else. And finally, in my life I am passing through a specially hard, stressing and tough time. None of the reasons explained by my friend above, but I believe I should not say, either.

I believe I might retake the Astroseries MOD late this year, or maybe by the start of the next one. :-|

I know I was going to help you with that mouse cursor thingy, but cant be right now. Might be sooner than late year, but thats about it.

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Post by hellcatv »

one of the other users helped me solve the mouse problem! :-)
I think that should be the end of it

feel free to check out the latest cvs and see if it's g4g (gone for good)
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Post by SomeNick »

Been discussing things with my friends at Astroseries. We might start doing something in VS sometime by mid 2005. In fact, in our (quite shot) free time we have already tweaked VS a little bit. Trying to make it as minimalist as possible so then we could expand, our own way.
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Post by dandandaman »

depending on how minimalist you want I've got either a 20kb, or 45Mb data dirs you may want to have a look at...

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Post by SomeNick »

Hmmm.... It would be interesting to see one of your smaller data dirs, just to see which are the bare minimum requirements for VS to work. Making it a lot easier to add custom content without replacing or blowibng things away. Your name would appear in the credits tab in wathever game we one day may complete.

Speaking of which, if these are located in an URL, you can post it here for us to view or if in an FTP server that would also work.

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Post by dandandaman »

hmm.....give me a day....something changed in VS and now I get a nice error in the really small one :-/

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Post by dandandaman »

okay, the very minimal is up:

you will get a failuer message repetedly printed to the console .. this is probably due to you not being in a unit (but isn't fatal and doesn't matter for what you've using it for ... ie it'll be gone as soon as you add some data).....we'll attempt to find out why it does it ..but as I said, it isn't a problem


if you need it in a .zip or something instead....just post again :-)
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Post by SomeNick »

Hey man, thanks a lot I already got stuff going with your minimalist VS hierarchy. I just added the bin and textures folders and got stuff going. :-) (well... not very exciting till I add data)
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Post by hellcatv »

dandan is da man :-)
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Post by SomeNick »

There is something I do not understand... Yes, I have made the minimalist version of VS run, have installed one system, and runs ok. However, I created the units directory and placed some units inside, erased all saved game files, and still, the game won't load the unit(s). I am not even sure it is looking for them inside the units dir....


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Post by hellcatv »

it loads the units from units.csv
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Post by SomeNick »

Hehehe thank you! Doing a lot better now :-)
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