Trouble loading a new ship in VS

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Trouble loading a new ship in VS

Post by SomeNick »

Hi. I successfully created one starship and replaced the llama with it, after some practice.

However, now I created another ship, called the nscout.

Previously, in one mission it said:

<flightgroup name="Shlimazel" faction="privateer" type="llama.begin" ainame="default" waves="1" nr_ships="1">


And I cahned it for:

<flightgroup name="Shlimazel" faction="privateer" type="nscout.begin" ainame="default" waves="1" nr_ships="1">


And now when I load VS the game doesnt load. I read the stderr.txt file and at by the end it says

"Cannot Open Mesh File C:\VegaNew\meshes/nscout_body_body.xmesh"

So what I did was to move the nscout_body_body.xmesh to the /meshes dir and now it runs but without any textures. It happens that in the /meshes/ dir I dont see any of the other starships. The lllama, hyena, etc (the VS originals) they are all located inside the /units/ directory.
So *I suppose* there is a file somewhere that tells VS where to look for the meshes, but I dont know where it is or what is it. Any of you have a clue?
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Post by SomeNick »

* cahned = changed
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Re: Trouble loading a new ship in VS

Post by jackS »


will cause VS to look for a unit definition file named units/nscout/nscout.begin

the unit definition file will specify the meshes associated with the unit - provided it actually exists :)
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Post by hellcatv »

the textures also go in that folder

basically each ship gets a folder...the textures and meshes should be there

unless they are shared
shared meshes go in meshes/ shared textures go in textures/
we only have shared textures really right now
Vega Strike Lead Developer
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