SVN update fun(?) [FIXED]

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SVN update fun(?) [FIXED]

Post by Rattan »

Ok, I tried to update to revision 12911 via the instructions at: ... eckout_SVN

Now when I try to run the game, all I'm getting is a white window for a few seconds and then it ditches out. Running it in terminal mode, the last lines before it aborts are:

Code: Select all

Compilation of technique fixed successful
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Audio::FileOpenException'
  what():  Cannot open "techniques/fixed_simple.technique"
I redid the build and still the same problem/abort.

I'm running Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope and prior to this VS usually runs fine.

Any ideas?
Last edited by Rattan on Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

What shader settings are you using?
What are the lines immediately before that?

In any case, it's a problem with the technique fallback sequence, so I'll check it out.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
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Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

Since you asked, I went and tried all the shader settings from extreme to none. No difference that I can see.

Code: Select all

            <Planet name="Nilsson" file="planets/Lava.texture" ri="-46866288.000000" rj="-23655634.000000" rk="-5648404.500000" si="-20760152.000000" sj="46639456.000000" sk="-23074574.000000" radius="669824.625000" x="73427352.000000" y="-56471776.000000" z="25374526.000000" year= "193912672.000000" day="215.531998" >

Creating planet niven A with texture sol/sun.texture and technique  - unitlevel <= 2
Compilation of technique fixed successful
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Audio::FileOpenException'
  what():  Cannot open "techniques/fixed_simple.technique"

Is that enough, or do you need to see more?
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Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

Yep, it's the same as in another post.

Try re-running vssetup and reconfiguring VS.

There were some changes in config files, and pretty much the only way I can think of VS could be raising that exception is if your config file didn't have those changes applied.

(when you run vssetup, it copies vegastrike.config from the data directory into a hidden folder in your home, so any further changes in vegastrike.config aren't applied automatically, you have to re-run vssetup)

EDIT: Ehm... reading your post... I guess you did run vssetup (to try different shader settings).


Could you please post your vegastrike.config?
(the one sitting in your home/.vegastrike folder)
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
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Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

Yes, I have run vssetup quite a few times now.

The config is too big for the forum..

"Your message contains 88128 characters. The maximum number of allowed characters is 60000."
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Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

Find the portions that talk about techniques (default and default_simple techniques), there are several, and paste them then.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Posts: 56
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Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

Code: Select all

<var name="techniques" value="techniques"/>

Code: Select all

<!-- #extremeshader
            <var name="mac_shader_name" value="mac"/>
            <var name="default_full_technique" value="5_ps3.0/default"/>
            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="5_ps3.0/default_simple"/>
            <var name="technique_set" value="6_ps4.0"/>
#end -->
<!-- #highshader -->
            <var name="mac_shader_name" value="mac"/>
            <var name="default_full_technique" value="default"/>
            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="default_simple"/>
            <var name="technique_set" value="5_ps3.0"/>
<!-- #end -->
<!-- #mediumshader
            <var name="mac_shader_name" value="mac"/>
            <var name="default_full_technique" value="5_ps3.0/default"/>
            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="5_ps3.0/default_simple"/>
            <var name="technique_set" value="4_ps2.0"/>
#end -->
<!-- #lowshader
            <var name="mac_shader_name" value="maclite"/>
            <var name="default_full_technique" value="5_ps3.0/default"/>
            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="5_ps3.0/default_simple"/>
            <var name="technique_set" value="3_arbfp"/>
#end -->
<!-- #verylowshader
            <var name="mac_shader_name" value="maclite"/>
            <var name="default_full_technique" value="default"/>
            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="default_simple"/>
            <var name="technique_set" value="2_ps1.4"/>
#end -->
<!-- #noshader
            <var name="mac_shader_name" value=""/>
            <var name="default_full_technique" value="default"/>
            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="default_simple"/>
            <var name="technique_set" value="0_fixed_gl"/>
#end -->
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Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

1) are you SURE simplest shader doesn't work? (it should)
2) if you svn up, it should indeed work (in any shader setting), 5_ps3.0/default_simple's fallback was set to fixed_simple (and fixed_simple no longer exists)
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
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Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

I just tried it again on simplest shader. Same result, same last lines.

I'm sorry, but I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "svn up"?
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Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

Update the source and data from SVN.

svn update

But it's weird... something's very funky. It should work on simplest shader.

I tried myself and it worked.

Are you sure you updated the source too (and built the latest trunk)?

EDIT: I'm doing an svn update on another older machine I have to see if I can repro the bug... perhaps there's something funky with ME and it only works for me ;)
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Posts: 56
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Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

I was following the instructions on ... u_Linux%29

I started with the section " Staying updated with the Development Version ", and did "svn update" in both the data and the vegastrike directories. I got a few seconds of the splash screens with no sound and then ditched out. It was full screen, which is how I usually run VS.

The directions said:
If something changed in the source code package vegastrike, you only need to repeat the building part of this tutorial. You should not need to type "make clean", however if you experience errors like "unresolved external symbol" it may remedy that error.
So I went back to the beginning of the "Building/Compiling" section and went through the steps down through the "Optional High Quality Texture Files" section. When I tried to run VS, that's when it started to just give a white window. I thought maybe something had gotten changed in the setup settings, so I tried changing various settings via setup, but they have all resulted in a white window that is up for a few seconds and then closes itself.

So I set it back to the last settings from when it was working before the svn update, and started this thread. Haven't done anything else with it other than what you've said to here in your replies. The only other thing I have tried is I've restarted my machine just on the off chance something was being stored in ram that was causing the problem.
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Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

You're using the hqtextures?

I did not update those... could be an issue.
At least the white window could be because of that.

What's your last working revision number?

(you can do "svn info" to get which revision your working copy is at)

UPDATE: doesn't seem to be much in hqtextures, I doubt it's the issue here. Sadly, my old computer is still compiling (it's ooold).

PS: you could also run VS with "vegastrike --debug > output.txt 2>&1", which dumps a lot of debugging stuff in output.txt, and then attach it here (or send by mail to klauss freire at gmail without any spaces).
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:35 pm

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

I didn't think to check the revision before attempting the update, sorry. The present one is 12911, but I think I already said that.

I'm going to be logging off for a bit, but I'll check back later. Your help is very much appreciated, Klauss.

EDIR: Will do on running it with the debug.
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:35 pm

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

Code: Select all

Registering codec ogg.
 In path /usr/local/bin
Vega Strike  
See for license details.

ARG #1 = --debug
Found data in /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data
Using /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data as data directory
Using .vegastrike as the home directory
Found MODDIR = /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/mods
USING HOMEDIR : /home/daniel/.vegastrike As the home directory 
CONFIGFILE - Found a config file in home directory, using : /home/daniel/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config
DATADIR - No datadir specified in config file, using ; /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data
MISSION_NAME is empty using : test/test1.mission
running import sys
print sys.path
sys.path = [r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/builtin",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/quests",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/missions",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/ai",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/bases"]
testing VS randomrunning import sys
print sys.path
['/usr/lib/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Numeric', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gst-0.10', '/var/lib/python-support/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gtk-2.0', '/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode', '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages']
['/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/builtin', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/quests', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/missions', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/ai', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/bases']
Creating scene manager...
Creating template manager...
  Initializing renderer...
Setting Screen to w 1024 h 768 and pitch of 4096 and 32 bpp 4 bytes per pix mode
OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Using NPOT video textures
OpenGL::GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array supported
OpenGL::GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays supported
OpenGL::Accurate Fog Distance supported
OpenGL::Generic Texture Compression supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Compression supported
OpenGL::Multitexture supported (4 units)
OpenGL::TextureCubeMapExt supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Edge supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Border supported
OpenGL::sRGB Framebuffer unsupported
OpenGL::EXTColorTable unsupported
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a BMP file
Transferring 1x1 texture, page 0 (eff: 1x1 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 1 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file beam.wav
Loading sound file Neutron.wav
Loading sound file missile_3.wav
Loading sound file Tachyon.wav
Loading sound file ION.WAV
Loading sound file beam1.wav
Loading sound file Particle.wav
Loading sound file MASS.WAV
Loading sound file Laser.wav
Loading sound file sfx07c.wav
Loading sound file beam.WAV
1 joysticks were found.

The names of the joysticks are:
    Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro
axes: 4 buttons: 9 hats: 1
FactionXML:LoadXML factions.xml
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 2 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 3 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 4 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 5 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 6 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 7 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 8 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 9 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 10 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 11 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 12 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 13 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 14 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 15 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 16 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 17 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 18 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 19 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 20 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 21 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 22 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 23 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 24 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 25 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 26 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 27 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 28 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 29 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 30 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 31 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 32 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 33 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 34 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 35 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 36 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 37 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 38 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 39 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 40 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 41 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 42 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 43 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 44 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 45 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 46 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 47 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 48 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 49 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 50 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 51 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 52 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 53 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 54 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 55 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 56 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 57 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 58 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 59 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 60 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 61 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 62 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 63 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 64 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 65 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 66 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 67 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 68 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 69 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 70 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 71 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 72 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 73 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 74 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 75 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 76 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 77 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 78 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 79 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 80 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 81 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 82 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 83 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 84 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 85 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 86 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 87 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 88 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 89 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 90 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 91 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 92 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 93 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 94 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 95 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 96 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 97 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 98 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 99 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 100 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 101 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 102 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 103 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 104 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 105 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 106 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 107 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 108 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 109 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 110 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 111 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 112 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 113 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 114 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 115 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 116 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 117 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 118 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 119 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 120 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 121 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 122 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 123 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 124 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 125 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 126 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 127 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 128 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 129 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 130 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 131 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 132 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 133 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 134 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 135 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 136 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 137 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 138 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 139 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 140 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 141 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 142 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 143 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 144 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 145 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 146 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 147 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 148 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 149 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 150 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 151 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 152 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 153 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 154 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 155 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 156 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/peace1.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 157 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 158 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 159 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 160 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 161 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 162 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 163 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 164 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 165 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 166 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 167 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 168 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 169 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 170 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 171 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 172 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 173 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 174 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 175 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 176 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 177 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 178 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 179 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 180 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 181 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 182 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 183 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 184 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 185 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 186 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 187 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 188 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 189 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 190 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 191 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 192 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 193 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 194 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 195 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 196 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 197 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 198 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 199 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 200 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 201 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 202 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 203 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 204 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 205 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 64x64 texture, page 0 (eff: 64x64 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 206 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 32x32 texture, page 0 (eff: 32x32 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 207 (TEXTURE_2D)
Creating planet niven A with texture sol/sun.texture and technique  - unitlevel <= 2
Added texture unit #1 "diffuseMap"
Added texture unit #2 "envMap"
Added texture unit #3 "specMap"
Added texture unit #4 "damageMap"
Added texture unit #5 "glowMap"
Added param #1 "light_enabled" with semantic ActiveLightsArray as optional
Added param #2 "max_light_enabled" with semantic NumLights as optional
Added param #3 "cloaking" with semantic CloakingPhase as optional
Added param #4 "damage" with semantic Damage as optional
Successfully compiled and linked program "fixed8+fixed"
    Found a PNG file
Loading Done.  Decompressing
1. Loading a PNG file: width = 2 , height = 2 , depth = 8 , img color = 2 , intelace = 0 
2. Loading a PNG file : width = 2 , height = 2 , depth = 8 , img_color = 2 , interlace = 0
3. Allocating image buffer of size = 12 
Decompressing Done.
Transferring 2x2 texture, page 0 (eff: 2x2 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 208 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 209 (TEXTURE_2D)
Cannot find specialized technique, trying generic: Cannot open "techniques/./fixed_simple.technique"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Audio::FileOpenException'
  what():  Cannot open "techniques/fixed_simple.technique"
Compiling python module modules/
Contents of star system:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<system name="niven" background="backgrounds/bluegreen">
        <ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
        <diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.843801" blue="0.630103"/>
        <specular red="1.000000" green="0.949333" blue="0.529373"/>
        <ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
        <diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.809660" blue="0.661953"/>
        <specular red="1.000000" green="0.874065" blue="0.584243"/>
    <Planet name="niven A" file="sol/sun.texture" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="28619200.000000" x="0" y="0" z="0"  Red="0.750000" Green="0.712000" Blue="0.397030" ReflectNoLight="true" light="0">
    <FogElement file="atmXatm.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".900" red="0.750000" blue="0.712000" green="0.397030" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.712000" digreen="0.397030" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
    <FogElement file="atmXhalo.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".9000" red="0.750000" blue="0.712000" green="0.397030" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.712000" digreen="0.397030" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
        <Planet name="Staley" file="planets/Lava.texture" ri="-23738596.000000" rj="33724300.000000" rk="-43190232.000000" si="-58097392.000000" sj="-108553928.000000" sk="-52830328.000000" radius="1139925.000000" x="55392808.000000" y="105094536.000000" z="67338320.000000" year= "160050256.000000" day="667.897827" >
            <Ring file="rings/planet_ring1.texture" ri="-0.177379" rj="0.966414" rk="0.185959" si="0.439968" sj="0.246892" sk="-0.863408" innerradius="2088301.640346" outerradius="2942748.515346" wrapx="1" wrapy="1" />
        <Planet name="Sabina" file="planets/gas_midget.texture" ri="20946374.000000" rj="10687207.000000" rk="46685880.000000" si="55944200.000000" sj="48559440.000000" sk="-36216364.000000" radius="760975.750000" x="100059040.000000" y="-108197608.000000" z="82919536.000000" year= "118128640.000000" day="482.805389" >
            <Planet name="Dhabi" file="planets/rock1.texture" ri="320995.000000" rj="-1637033.250000" rk="10154.986328" si="-993663.812500" sj="-200162.000000" sk="-857781.437500" radius="238078.671875" x="-1436811.000000" y="-1637415.250000" z="1336326.750000" year= "6075418.000000" day="507.894958" >
        <Planet name="niven B" file="stars/white_star.texture" ri="-35664488.000000" rj="-61904732.000000" rk="59635456.000000" si="94377072.000000" sj="-59491744.000000" sk="-5314127.500000" radius="15438806.000000" x="-79174288.000000" y="120755432.000000" z="-132990392.000000" year= "5636772352.000000" day="2108122496.000000"  Red="0.750000" Green="0.655549" Blue="0.438182" ReflectNoLight="true" light="1">
    <FogElement file="atmXatm.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".900" red="0.750000" blue="0.655549" green="0.438182" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.655549" digreen="0.438182" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
    <FogElement file="atmXhalo.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".9000" red="0.750000" blue="0.655549" green="0.438182" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.655549" digreen="0.438182" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
            <Planet name="Nilsson" file="planets/Lava.texture" ri="-46866288.000000" rj="-23655634.000000" rk="-5648404.500000" si="-20760152.000000" sj="46639456.000000" sk="-23074574.000000" radius="669824.625000" x="73427352.000000" y="-56471776.000000" z="25374526.000000" year= "193912672.000000" day="215.531998" >

Compilation of technique fixed successful
Posts: 7243
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:40 pm
Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

I just tested on a rather clean checkout and it runs fine.

I'm puzzled.

Except... you built with ./configure and make, I did so with cmake.

So I'll now try rebuilding with ./configure and make as you did...
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Posts: 7243
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:40 pm
Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

Update: I did try following the exact same steps you did. Everything runs fine here.

It all points to a configuration problem: an out-of-date vegastrike.config. Not on your SVN checkout, but the one in your /home/USER/.vegastrike folder.

Running vssetup should fix that. Notice that if you run vssetup and you make no changes to the configuration, vssetup won't recreate your config. You have to change something. If everything's the way it's supposed to be, then just change something, hit OK&save, then run vssetup again, and change it back.

Still, I believe you did that.

VS is using the config file at /home/daniel/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config according to the debugging output you posted. That file should not mention fixed_simple anywhere. If it does, then it's out of date.

There's also another file in your data folder, data/techniques/5_ps3.0/default_simple.technique, that one should not mention fixed_simple. If it does, then it's out of date.

In fact, no file should mention fixed_simple (actually, I found one mention in mesh_gfx.cpp, but that one is overridden by a proper config file).

If you can, please check the files I mentioned.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Posts: 42
Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:37 am
Location: London UK

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Ygarl »

At the risk of saying "Me too",

Compiled on Kubuntu Lucid 32 bit.
Used ./configure and make. Ran once fine, then nada.


Confused for sure!
That which can be imagined can be achieved.
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:35 pm

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

Ok, the config file at at /home/daniel/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config does NOT contain references to "fixed_simple".

However, data/techniques/5_ps3.0/default_simple.technique DOES contain reference to "fixed_simple".

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<technique fallback="fixed_simple">
    <!-- Pseudo fixed-function shader pass. Does in one pass what
         the fixed function does in many. Higher performance on
         capable systems. Only caveat is that light attenuation
         is a bit odd... 
         All lighting is per-vertex.
         This version handles up to 8 lights, and has environment-mapped
         ambient lighting, to match the highend technique.

    <!-- Z-write prepasses go at sequence 10 -->
    <pass type="shader" sequence="10" cwrite="false">
        <vertex_program src="zwrite"/>
        <fragment_program src="zwrite"/>
        <texture_unit src="decal:0" default="file:white.bmp" name="diffuseMap"/>
    <!-- sequence 15 to go after Z-write prepasses (that's 10) -->
    <pass type="shader" sequence="15" zwrite="false">
        <vertex_program src="fixed8"/>
        <fragment_program src="ambientmapped_simple"/>
        <texture_unit src="decal:0" default="file:white.bmp" name="diffuseMap"/>
        <texture_unit src="environment" name="envMap"/>
        <auto_param name="light_enabled" semantic="ActiveLightsArray" optional="true"/>
        <auto_param name="max_light_enabled" semantic="NumLights" optional="true"/>
        <auto_param name="cloaking" semantic="CloakingPhase" optional="true"/>
I have definitely run vssetup and saved quite a few times over the past couple days.

So if I understand you correctly, the file at data/techniques/5_ps3.0/default_simple.technique is out of date. What would be the best way to fix that?

At this point, I'm up for pretty much anything including a fresh install, provided that I wouldn't lose my saved games if I put a copy of them into a folder elsewhere until after the install. I put a bit of work over the past couple years into my little fleet and having enough credits to not have to worry over a few repairs (or buying a new ship for my fleet). LOL

I'm assuming I'll have to go through and edit the vegastrike.config anyway for my joystick and keybinds and etc, but that's no big thing. I've done that more than a few times over the months, and had been contemplating redesigning the keyboard layout again anyway.

So, what's the best way to fix this out of date file?
Posts: 34
Joined: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:53 am

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Clint_Thomas »

I had the same issue. Resolved by removing /data/techniques then svn update. Basically downloaded a fresh techniques folder.

Hope this helps
clint -- Anonymity Online-Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
Posts: 7243
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:40 pm
Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

Try Clint_Thomas' approach, it's sound.

In any case, to backup your save games you have to backup /home/USER/.vegastrike/save and /home/USER/.vegastrike/serialized_xml. The first holds all your campaign progress, visited starsystems and stuff like that, the second contains details of all your ships.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:35 pm

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

klauss wrote: In any case, to backup your save games you have to backup /home/USER/.vegastrike/save and /home/USER/.vegastrike/serialized_xml. The first holds all your campaign progress, visited starsystems and stuff like that, the second contains details of all your ships.
Whew! Good thing I never actually needed that backup so far! LOL Both folders are copied now.

I tried the Clint_Thomas approach and I'm still getting the same result. I also tried rebuilding, since the rev # was different. Same result. And the file at data/techniques/5_ps3.0/default_simple.technique also appears to still be the same. It still refers to default_simple as pasted previously in this thread.

When I did the "svn update" in the data folder after deleting the "techniques" folder, I saw items downloading that contained the word "techniques" so I thought it looked like it was working..

EDIT: Correction!! default_simple.technique does NOT mention fixed_simple it is default_simple. Got confused for a moment there, until I checked it again.
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:35 pm

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

Here's the content of the most recent output.txt in case it might help:

Code: Select all

Registering codec ogg.
 In path /usr/local/bin
Vega Strike  
See for license details.

ARG #1 = --debug
Found data in /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data
Using /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data as data directory
Using .vegastrike as the home directory
Found MODDIR = /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/mods
USING HOMEDIR : /home/daniel/.vegastrike As the home directory 
CONFIGFILE - Found a config file in home directory, using : /home/daniel/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config
DATADIR - No datadir specified in config file, using ; /home/daniel/VegaStrike/data
MISSION_NAME is empty using : test/test1.mission
running import sys
print sys.path
sys.path = [r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/builtin",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/quests",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/missions",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/ai",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules",r"/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/bases"]
testing VS randomrunning import sys
print sys.path
['/usr/lib/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Numeric', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gst-0.10', '/var/lib/python-support/python2.6', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gtk-2.0', '/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode', '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages']
['/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/builtin', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/quests', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/missions', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules/ai', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/modules', '/home/daniel/VegaStrike/data/bases']
Creating scene manager...
Creating template manager...
  Initializing renderer...
Setting Screen to w 1024 h 768 and pitch of 4096 and 32 bpp 4 bytes per pix mode
OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Using NPOT video textures
OpenGL::GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array supported
OpenGL::GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays supported
OpenGL::Accurate Fog Distance supported
OpenGL::Generic Texture Compression supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Compression supported
OpenGL::Multitexture supported (4 units)
OpenGL::TextureCubeMapExt supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Edge supported
OpenGL::S3TC Texture Clamp-to-Border supported
OpenGL::sRGB Framebuffer unsupported
OpenGL::EXTColorTable unsupported
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a BMP file
Transferring 1x1 texture, page 0 (eff: 1x1 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 1 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file beam.wav
Loading sound file Neutron.wav
Loading sound file missile_3.wav
Loading sound file Tachyon.wav
Loading sound file ION.WAV
Loading sound file beam1.wav
Loading sound file Particle.wav
Loading sound file MASS.WAV
Loading sound file Laser.wav
Loading sound file sfx07c.wav
Loading sound file beam.WAV
1 joysticks were found.

The names of the joysticks are:
    Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro
axes: 4 buttons: 9 hats: 1
FactionXML:LoadXML factions.xml
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 2 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 3 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 4 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 5 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 6 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 7 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 8 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 9 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 10 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 11 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 12 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 13 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 14 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 15 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 16 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 17 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 18 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 19 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 20 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 21 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 22 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 23 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 24 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 25 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 26 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 27 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 28 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 29 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 30 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 31 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 32 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 33 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 34 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 35 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 36 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 37 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 38 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 39 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 40 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 41 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 42 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 43 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 44 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 45 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 46 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 47 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 48 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 49 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 50 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 51 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 52 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 53 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 54 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 55 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 56 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 57 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 58 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 59 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 60 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 61 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 62 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 63 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 64 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 65 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 66 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 67 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 68 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 69 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 70 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 71 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 72 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 73 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 74 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 75 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 76 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 77 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 78 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 79 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 80 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 81 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 82 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 83 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 84 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 85 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 86 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 87 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 88 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 89 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 90 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 91 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 92 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 93 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 94 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 95 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 96 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 97 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 98 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 99 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 100 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 101 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 102 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 128x128 texture, page 0 (eff: 128x128 - limited at 65536 - 8 mips), onto name 103 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 104 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 105 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 106 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 107 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 108 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 109 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 110 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 111 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 112 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 113 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 114 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 115 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 116 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 117 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 118 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 119 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 120 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 121 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 122 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 123 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 124 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 125 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 126 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 127 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 128 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 129 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 130 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 131 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 132 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 133 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 134 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 135 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 136 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 137 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 138 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 139 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 140 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 141 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 142 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 143 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 144 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 145 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 146 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 147 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 148 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 149 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 150 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 151 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 152 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 153 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 154 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
Loading sound file ../music/loading.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 155 (TEXTURE_2D)
Loading sound file ../music/peace5_p.ogg
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 156 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 157 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 158 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 159 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 160 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 161 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 162 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 163 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 164 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 165 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 166 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 167 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 168 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 169 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 170 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 171 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 172 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 173 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 174 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 175 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 176 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 177 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 178 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 179 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 180 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 181 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 182 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 183 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 184 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 185 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 186 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 187 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 188 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 189 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 190 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 191 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 192 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 193 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 194 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 195 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 196 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 197 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 198 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 199 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 200 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 201 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 202 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 203 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 204 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 256x256 texture, page 0 (eff: 256x256 - limited at 65536 - 9 mips), onto name 205 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 64x64 texture, page 0 (eff: 64x64 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 206 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 32x32 texture, page 0 (eff: 32x32 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 207 (TEXTURE_2D)
Creating planet niven A with texture sol/sun.texture and technique  - unitlevel <= 2
Added texture unit #1 "diffuseMap"
Added texture unit #2 "envMap"
Added texture unit #3 "specMap"
Added texture unit #4 "damageMap"
Added texture unit #5 "glowMap"
Added param #1 "light_enabled" with semantic ActiveLightsArray as optional
Added param #2 "max_light_enabled" with semantic NumLights as optional
Added param #3 "cloaking" with semantic CloakingPhase as optional
Added param #4 "damage" with semantic Damage as optional
Successfully compiled and linked program "fixed8+fixed"
    Found a PNG file
Loading Done.  Decompressing
1. Loading a PNG file: width = 2 , height = 2 , depth = 8 , img color = 2 , intelace = 0 
2. Loading a PNG file : width = 2 , height = 2 , depth = 8 , img_color = 2 , interlace = 0
3. Allocating image buffer of size = 12 
Decompressing Done.
Transferring 2x2 texture, page 0 (eff: 2x2 - limited at 65536 - 0 mips), onto name 208 (TEXTURE_2D)
    Found a DDS file
Transferring 512x512 texture, page 0 (eff: 512x512 - limited at 65536 - 10 mips), onto name 209 (TEXTURE_2D)
Cannot find specialized technique, trying generic: Cannot open "techniques/./fixed_simple.technique"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Audio::FileOpenException'
  what():  Cannot open "techniques/fixed_simple.technique"
Compiling python module modules/
Contents of star system:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<system name="niven" background="backgrounds/bluegreen">
        <ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
        <diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.843801" blue="0.630103"/>
        <specular red="1.000000" green="0.949333" blue="0.529373"/>
        <ambient red="0.000000" green="0.000000" blue="0.000000"/>
        <diffuse red="0.866025" green="0.809660" blue="0.661953"/>
        <specular red="1.000000" green="0.874065" blue="0.584243"/>
    <Planet name="niven A" file="sol/sun.texture" ri="0.000000" rj="0.000000" rk="0.000000" si="0.000000" sj="0.000000" sk="0.000000" radius="28619200.000000" x="0" y="0" z="0"  Red="0.750000" Green="0.712000" Blue="0.397030" ReflectNoLight="true" light="0">
    <FogElement file="atmXatm.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".900" red="0.750000" blue="0.712000" green="0.397030" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.712000" digreen="0.397030" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
    <FogElement file="atmXhalo.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".9000" red="0.750000" blue="0.712000" green="0.397030" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.712000" digreen="0.397030" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
        <Planet name="Staley" file="planets/Lava.texture" ri="-23738596.000000" rj="33724300.000000" rk="-43190232.000000" si="-58097392.000000" sj="-108553928.000000" sk="-52830328.000000" radius="1139925.000000" x="55392808.000000" y="105094536.000000" z="67338320.000000" year= "160050256.000000" day="667.897827" >
            <Ring file="rings/planet_ring1.texture" ri="-0.177379" rj="0.966414" rk="0.185959" si="0.439968" sj="0.246892" sk="-0.863408" innerradius="2088301.640346" outerradius="2942748.515346" wrapx="1" wrapy="1" />
        <Planet name="Sabina" file="planets/gas_midget.texture" ri="20946374.000000" rj="10687207.000000" rk="46685880.000000" si="55944200.000000" sj="48559440.000000" sk="-36216364.000000" radius="760975.750000" x="100059040.000000" y="-108197608.000000" z="82919536.000000" year= "118128640.000000" day="482.805389" >
            <Planet name="Dhabi" file="planets/rock1.texture" ri="320995.000000" rj="-1637033.250000" rk="10154.986328" si="-993663.812500" sj="-200162.000000" sk="-857781.437500" radius="238078.671875" x="-1436811.000000" y="-1637415.250000" z="1336326.750000" year= "6075418.000000" day="507.894958" >
        <Planet name="niven B" file="stars/white_star.texture" ri="-35664488.000000" rj="-61904732.000000" rk="59635456.000000" si="94377072.000000" sj="-59491744.000000" sk="-5314127.500000" radius="15438806.000000" x="-79174288.000000" y="120755432.000000" z="-132990392.000000" year= "5636772352.000000" day="2108122496.000000"  Red="0.750000" Green="0.655549" Blue="0.438182" ReflectNoLight="true" light="1">
    <FogElement file="atmXatm.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".900" red="0.750000" blue="0.655549" green="0.438182" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.655549" digreen="0.438182" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
    <FogElement file="atmXhalo.bfxm" ScaleAtmosphereHeight=".9000" red="0.750000" blue="0.655549" green="0.438182" alpha="1.0" dired="0.750000" diblue="0.655549" digreen="0.438182" dialpha="1" concavity=".3" focus=".6" minalpha=".7" maxalpha="1"/>
            <Planet name="Nilsson" file="planets/Lava.texture" ri="-46866288.000000" rj="-23655634.000000" rk="-5648404.500000" si="-20760152.000000" sj="46639456.000000" sk="-23074574.000000" radius="669824.625000" x="73427352.000000" y="-56471776.000000" z="25374526.000000" year= "193912672.000000" day="215.531998" >

Compilation of technique fixed successful
Posts: 7243
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:40 pm
Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

Ok, you can try two things:
  • Keep trying to properly fix the bug, find out why it's trying to load fixed_simple when it's not mentioned anywhere in the config files or techniques.
  • Copy techniques/2_ps1.4/default_simple.technique into techniques/fixed_simple.technique and make the bug happy
The first would help understand the issue. The second would work around the issue.

Just notice that the issue makes me rather uncomfortable since it means VS is ignoring explicit configuration in your config file - there's really no telling what other stuff might be broken. I really would like to understand what is going on, but failing to do so, the workaround seems like a sensible alternative.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Posts: 56
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:35 pm

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by Rattan »

Well, I'm not at all sure that I know enough to be able to figure out how to properly fix it. But I'm game for tinkering at it a bit longer to see if we can figure it out so it can be fixed properly, assuming you're up for it.

I did a search via: grep -r "fixed_simple" * from the VegaStrike directory (which contains the data, vegastrike, and hqtextures directories), to find all occurrences of "fixed_simple" in any of the files of those directories or their subdirectories. Here's the spew from that:

Code: Select all

data/vegastrike.backupconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.backupconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.config~:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.config~:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
Binary file data/vegastrike matches
data/vegastrike.dconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.dconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/techniques/2_ps1.4/.svn/text-base/opaque_onetex.technique.svn-base:        <fragment_program src="fixed_simple"/>
data/techniques/2_ps1.4/.svn/text-base/default_simple.technique.svn-base:        <fragment_program src="fixed_simple"/>
data/techniques/2_ps1.4/default_simple.technique:        <fragment_program src="fixed_simple"/>
data/techniques/2_ps1.4/opaque_onetex.technique:        <fragment_program src="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.bconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.bconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/xvegastrike.config:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/xvegastrike.config:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.2.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.2.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.6.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.6.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.4.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.4.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.5.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.5.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.3.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/.svn/tmp/tempfile.3.tmp:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
Binary file data/Link to vegastrike matches
data/output.txt:Cannot find specialized technique, trying generic: Cannot open "techniques/./fixed_simple.technique"
data/output.txt:  what():  Cannot open "techniques/fixed_simple.technique"
Binary file vegastrike/vegastrike matches
vegastrike/src/gfx/mesh_gfx.cpp:            static string fixed_technique = vs_config->getVariable( "graphics", "default_simple_technique", "fixed_simple" );
Binary file vegastrike/src/gfx/mesh_gfx.o matches
vegastrike/src/gfx/.svn/text-base/mesh_gfx.cpp.svn-base:            static string fixed_technique = vs_config->getVariable( "graphics", "default_simple_technique", "fixed_simple" );
These ones:

Code: Select all

data/vegastrike.backupconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.backupconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.config~:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.config~:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.dconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.dconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.bconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/vegastrike.bconfig:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/xvegastrike.config:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
data/xvegastrike.config:            <var name="default_simple_technique" value="fixed_simple"/>
... are mine, from various times I was working on keybinds and joystick settings and other controllers. (Sorry, I'm a bit of a dir-slob and don't always erase the junk if there's a chance I might need to revert or swipe code out of an old config sometime.)

So other than those, does it look ok? Is fixed_simple showing up anywhere it shouldn't?

Last changed rev, via "svn info" is

12913 for the data folder
12903 for the vegastrike folder
Posts: 7243
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:40 pm
Location: LS87, Buenos Aires, República Argentina

Re: SVN update fun(?)

Post by klauss »

All seems fine. Only I got an idea:

What if you somehow broke your vegastrike.config file while editing settings?

It's easy sometimes to forget closing a tag or something like that and break things in silent ways.

Why don't you backup your vegastrike.config, and revert it to a clean version?

(svn revert followed by vssetup magic should do it).

If that fixes anything, we can look for what broke what later.
Oíd mortales, el grito sagrado...
Call me "Menes, lord of Cats"
Wing Commander Universe
Post Reply