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Roll and Throttle control swapped after svn update

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:12 am
by kirbysiville
Hi I updated my subversion copy today and all of a sudden my X-45's rudder control has become my new throttle and I'm getting dizzy trying to stop the spinning, aha pull back on the throttle control and everything slows, sometimes.
I tried changing to each different version of joystick control available in the set up panel to no avail. I also went and reloaded the driver twice more and recalibrated the stick 5 times before pulling its plug.
I then installed my logitech freedom 2.4 and got the same problems, my twist stick was now my throttle and my throttle paddle was roll. Went through the same steps as I did the X45 with the same results.
I ended up pulling it and switching off joystick control altogether, this finally stopped the problem.
Has anyone had a similar problem? Is it something in the svn or in a control script.
Point me in the right direction and I'll continue to investigate this. Even though I'm not very familiar wit XML if there is some rescripting I could do to make a work around I'd be very appreciative of any advice given me.

Re: Roll and Throttle control swapped after svn update

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:32 am
by loki1950
The file to edit is vegastrike.config which is the file that the setup app actually edits :wink: the file is XML but a bit funny as unused sections are commented out so a XML aware editor is useful i use Notepad++ windows side this the area to edit

Code: Select all

		<axis name="z" joystick="0" axis="3"/>
#end -->
<!-- #joy_throttle_and_axis -->
		<axis name="throttle" joystick="0" axis="2"/>
<!-- #end -->
<!-- #joy_axis joy_throttle_and_axis -->
		<axis name="z" joystick="0" axis="3"/>
<!-- #end -->
you just need to swap the axis numbers this usually happens ever once in a while when the config file is updated :wink: because who ever does the edit has a joystick that has different axis numbering.

Enjoy the Choice :)

Re: Roll and Throttle control swapped after svn update

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:49 am
by kirbysiville
Mon Fantastico Friend Loki
Worked like a tip. I made the change after having to look a while at it and understand what they're saying, (club my head often enough and things eventually homogenize.). I then saved the config file as a bak and proceeded with the minor surgery. All is well once again. I need to lay down awhile now but I will give it a thorough shake down later in the day.
Thanks much once again Loki :mrgreen: